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Altair Astro mini guider system - Anyone use it?

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Altair 60mm Miniguider with Autoguider Webcam focuser, tube rings, multi-purpose base :: Autoguiding Equipment :: Altair Astro

I quite like the look of this mini guider system. I am going to get a pair of guidescope rings for my finder guider as I want to get the guider aligned with the scope. As the rings are over £80, I thought this was a pretty good way of ditching my finder scope and just using the one for both.

So, if anyone uses it or has seen one - When you want to use it as a finderscope that's fine and when you want to guide with it you just add something to the end of it? I can see how it works as a guider, but I can't see how it works as a finder - There's no eyepiece type thing there.

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I've got one but not tried it yet as a guider. However, it looks really solid. I've always argued that someone should make a guidescope with no focuser, just a tube into which to put the camera. No droop, no flex, and cheaper. In its other role it's a cracking finder.


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You remove the little star diagonal and EP holder that comes with it as a finder and put in a tube which holds the camera. It is designed to do both jobs if you have the bits, but you do need a little kit to go from finder to guider.

John, I might be more inclined towards an OAG with your RC scope. Long FL, slow F ratio, mirror which might move...


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Does it come with an eyepiece already? If not, what type and size would I need? Also, do they do them with cross hairs in them? I have to buy additional stuff than what is supplied?

Sorry, EP's are really not my bag!

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Just ask Altair Astro. They do it as a finder and as a guider. The EP has crosshairs and an illuminator which works well, though as I always flatten reticle batteries due to absent mindedness, I usually illuminate by shining my head torch across the objective. More sensible people will not have this problem!


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Weight Tony, it's all about the weight!!!

I've got a SW120ED with a Pentax 75 on the dual bar. Add the 314, filter wheel and reducer as well as the HR16 OSC I want to put in at the same time and my HEQ5 is about at it's maximum operating weight I reckon. We both need a diet!!

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I guessed it was a weight issue. I recently changed from the ST102 as a guider to the ST80 because of possible flexure.

This halved the weight, the ST80 coming in at 2lb 11oz naked. No accessories or rings. A full 2lbs lighter than the ST102.

It will be interesting to know the weight of the AA Mini Guider when it arrives.

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I ordered one of these, with the guiding attachment this week. With a Lodestar guider, the focus travel is not quite enough. I think it will be fine with any guider which has the chip buried behind the 1.25" tube. The guider attachment is made up of a locking helical focuser and a small extension tube. I have asked AA if they can supply another small extension tube, which will do the trick.

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I bought one before SGL8 and used it to guide my Canon 600mm prime lens and DSLR camera. With a QHY5 on the back of it there was never a problem with finding a good guide star. The only difference between the finder scope and guide scope option is that the diagonal and EP is replaced with a sturdy straight extension tube with EP holder. It has a beautifully smooth helical focuser and the mounting bracket with two securing screws is very robust. It just works out the box, you can't ask for better than that.

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I've been using this AA mini finder guider now for almost a year - I got it soon after starting this thread. I'm very pleased with it. I use it with a QHY5 and I've never failed to find a guide star. Everything is aligned, so if I need to use it as a finder, a quick screw in of the eye piece and diagonal and it works perfectly. I did a review of it shortly after receiving it in the review section if anyone is interested.

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