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British Summertime, Universal Time??????

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Sorry to be repeating what other people have asked before, but I cannot find the answer.

In my Nexstar mount, in order to input the correct info for daylight saving and/or summertime or universal time which one should I be putting into my controller to give me the right information for now?????

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I'm a bit dim about calculating all this clock shifitng.

I leave my mount and obsy computer on GMT all year round.

So much easier.

Was that actually BWT (British winter time) or UTC?

Wonder if one day the govt might wake up to the radical idea of not shifting clocks?

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UTC and GMT is almost the same (GMT doesn't have sub second levels, while UTC does).

The government is discussing about not shifting clock, but not the way we want it. There were some discussions about using BST all year round. :)

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