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Really good but....

Cookie76 | 20/06/2007 | See all Cookie76's reviews (4) »

We know now that B5 was planned as a 5 series package - unfortunately those with the purse strings started to make noises prior to Series 5. Therefore the writter wrapped up the most compelling storylines in Series 4, just in case he wasn't funded for a fifth series. It left Series 5 a bit short. This was a great shame as B5 was probably the cleverest sci fi package of its time and I say that as a lover of all things strange. B5 series 5 is still worth a watch for a several gems. I still can't believe the Vorlons were so soft..........what say you?

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New B5

neogeopocketcolour | 13/06/2007 | See all neogeopocketcolour's reviews (5) »

This should be pretty good it has the same special effects people that did the new BSG, so it will most likely be pretty dark and nasty like the pilot episode, which should have continued through the whole thing

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Babylon 5 is THE business!

Shadow1 | 12/06/2007 | See all Shadow1's reviews (1) »

Top 100 DVD Reviewer

I started watching B5 when it first appeared on Channel 4 in 1994, and it just went from strength to strength!

It is a series that introduced a catalogue of 1sts, it was the 1st 'book' like show, with each season being a chapter of the whole book. The 1st show to showcase extensive use of CGI graphics - a necessity due to limited budget. The 1st show to integrate a number of 'aliens' as part of the main cast etc.

As it was pre-conceived through the 5 seasons, strands of the story from the 1st season would crop up say in the 5th season. This allowed for much more complex and intelligent story-telling and raised the bar in terms of all-round quality

In a nutshell it was miles ahead of it`s time, all other shows paled into insignificance once you got into B5, and I say that with the greatest respect - I am also a big Star Trek fan and I like Stargate etc, but B5 is the Daddy of them all!!!

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Its been on Amazon US for a few months now. I am informed that there are international versions as well, even though they're not on Amazon UK, although such as play.com UK have it there.

Characters in the episodes: John Sheridan, Galen (the technomage from Babylon 5:Call To Arms and Crusade), Elizabeth Lockley.

Brian L

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Loved B5, Loved SG1 (AT + CB... mmm...), The new BSG was great in season #1, then I was hooked for season 2. BSG is one that you cant really see unless you watch them all to get the extended story line, just like B5 did over many years.

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Stargate Universe


My dear J5, I heard about this a while ago suprised you have not, being a fan! http://www.gateworld.net/ Lots of Stargate information and upcoming news, etc.

Amanda Tapping has her own little series called Sanctuary (Google it), she and Teal'C are also involved with Atlantis Season 4. There are 2 more feature length films coming out soon too. For all the info check out the above link!


(click to enlarge)

I do love my Stargate :lol::p

Sorry to Hijack your thread Rob :D

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My mate and I made a stargate for his daughters birthday party. We all got dressed up in the SG1 gear (adults as well) and had a right laugh. My friend shaved his hair off and drew a Goa'uld mark on his forehead. Oh dear I just realised how tragic this sounds.....

Thanks for the links Akyra.

Jafar Kree!


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My mate and I made a stargate for his daughters birthday party.

I have seen plaster cast, resin and even mechanical lego ones. I would love to make one for my room (Yes... I am a kid! :D) what did you make yours out of, and do you have any pics? :lol:

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It is four sheets of 8x4 sheet. It is properly boxed out and is about 4" thick. The gate symbols are accurate and it is exactly half the size of the real thing. We have also fitted a toaster, and will be having cake later (non sg1 fans won't understand!).

I found a gate control program on the net so that when the kids arrived at the party we had authentic sounds for off world activation. As the day grew on and the alcohol flowed we started to lob buckets of water through the gate for that authentic look!

We got a job lot of army gear from the local warehouse, including flight jackets and I got a load of patches off the ebay. We then got tooled up and pretended to be Jack all day.

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