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Newbie Perhaps In too deep

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This is my first post here. Im 40 and have spent the last seven years trapped alone at home having a series of major back surgeries, fusion, total disc arthroplasty, etc.. An abundance of free time and a desire to see what's out there along with a desperate need for a hobby led me here. I've never owned or even looked through a scope before. This week I took delivery of a new Meade LX90 ACF 10" along with skyfi and skysafari pro. I'm sitting here looking at this thing thinking holy **** that things big! It takes up 1/3 of my living room. I'm going to a local star party in a couple weeks where I pray to god somebody shows me how to use this thing. I'm a tech savy guy but this is all alien hardware to me. Please someone tell me I'm not in over my head?


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?cxk5rt


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Best thing i can suggest is to search the forums - there is a load of advice.

Also go to you tube and look at the videos on your telescope.

That should get you started and then go out and use your new toy.

Start with the moon - even i can find that!

you got a great piece of kit

happy viewing

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Make sure you have all the bits you need, thinking of power supplies and any cables etc.

Read the instructions, half a dozen times, and see if there is anything you can do with the thing indoors to get familiar with the scope.

I have a couple of ETX's but if I level it, aim it north and say align I can at least check that it is going where it should. You will need a star map to know if the scope is going to the right area of the sky.

People at the star party will be happy enough to give you a hand and advice.

But as I say get a little knowledge of the scope first, so that you have the basic idea of it. People may refine what you do but they are not really expecting to teach you everything from scratch.

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Be very careful with your back. That scope weighs 69lbs all up so you need to be sure you won't damage yourself lifting it. That said - it's an awesome piece of kit that will not disappoint.

Which Star Party are you going to? If it's Kelling then there will be plenty of help on hand. I'll be there and would happily pop over to your pitch and help set it up. :icon_salut:

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Be very careful with your back. That scope weighs 69lbs all up so you need to be sure you won't damage yourself lifting it. That said - it's an awesome piece of kit that will not disappoint.

That was my first thought. Its no light-weight by any means. It should be ok to lift and transport to observing location if broken into its component parts (scope/mount/tripod).

Best of luck with it. Dont be afraid of it. There is plenty of help out there/here to get you up and running.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everybody! The star party's in Birmingham at Chandler Mtn. It's just a local thing I believe. I bought some accessories including a 32mm (60deg) and 30mm (80deg) both in a 2in format, a dew shield, and a power supply. Also since I'm solo I picked up a SkyFi and safari pro for my iPad. Very cool stuff and should help me answer some questions. I really gotta make some friends for advice!! I'm in to the tune of like almost 4 grand blind...Tonight is my first actual meeting at Samford University in Birmingham. A tad nervous about just showing up blind at a club meeting but I guess I'll get over it. What goes on at non-observing club meetings?


I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?5hylxa


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I've just realised Liquid that you are in America! I was going to offer to help you set up your kit as I have a family visit planned that will take me to Bromsgrove, which is just outside Birmingham U.K :):D:D:D:D

Well the offer is still on if you can assist with my airfare! America has a great tradition in holding star parties that are very friendly with a lot of knowledge and helpful people - you will fit right in there in no time. Would be great if you could post us some photos of the event and perhaps even your set up once it's all put together in all its glory.

Clear skies and take it steady!


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