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Summer observing

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With the clocks going forward was wondering what observing is like during the summer months. I have heard some people pack up until the autumn comes back.

I must admit the warm weather we have had makes a big difference to your endurance, i was out for about 7 hours last night.

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I'm looking forward to seeing the return of the Summer Triangle again. Albireo, the Ring Nebula, the double double in Lyra...not to mention using my OIII filter to view the Veil.

For me, summer observing just means staying up a bit later :blob10:

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I've only had one summer as a newbie. Its a bit like fishing in an area you know there's no fish, but you do it anyway. Bit dissapointing, especially mid-summer when it never gets properly dark.

BBQ my hobby in summer. Rain or not! Ah, chicken drumsticks!!!! Nothing beats them!


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I'm gonna be staying out longer, I couldn't find Andromeda last year so hopefully got more luck this year :blob10:

Andromeda is getting pretty low in the sky now. I tried last night and the scope ended up pointing at my garage.

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