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Digitised Sky Survey data.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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First step is to ge here http://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_form to begin.

Plonk a Messier or NGC No. in the top bit and it will work out the co-ordinates for you, or enter them manually.

Poss 2 (Red) at the top of the list gets you a red filtered , image first off, so hit retreive image and tell it where to put it. Once you have a red, do it agin with the same co-ordinates but use the Poss 2(Green) source, then for a green I used the Hubble option HST Phase 2.

Once you have the data downloaded, pretend that you did it and process as normal.

You have to enter the size for a Messier etc. manually as I don't think it looks up the size, and don't check the "save to disc" box as it appears to wrk the wrong way round.


Kaptain Klevtsov

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