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My first DSO - Orion Nebula


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Of course it had to be Orion.

Really chuffed, to have got it done & under my belt. Especially with mr shouty moon out as well !

This is a single sub, was fighting with DSS last night (stacking sorted, but it went mono & not able to save), tiredness won - so back to processing later.


Thank you for looking - any feedback would be great.

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Lol Mr shouty moon Mr Blobby, poor old moon gets a tough time when we want to image, I gave up and just put my moon filter on for an observing session of our celestial neighbor.

M42 is great subject that single sub is just what you need for the core, if you try taking short subs at 30seconds IS0800 about 40 of them and then take 20 darks and flats you will get much more out of your data when you stack it. Mr Shouty will be going to bed soon but sadly Orion will be leaving us as well.

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Nice, that single sub is bang on! Both focus and tracking look good, so the potential is great. As Quartermass says, you'll be surprised how much more detail comes out once you've stacked many subs.

Well done on such a great first DSO!

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Thank you all.

Some great info, for me to do next time & try sorting these subs out.

Trying to remember, but I think this was only 30 seconds, can't do much more, or it all goes a horrible pale blue with the local lighting.

I can really see why everyone loves the HEQ5. Would never have got this using my EQ5.

Biscuit - Equipment used is in my sig. Plus the astronomik CLS clip filter.

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Thank you all.

Some great info, for me to do next time & try sorting these subs out.

Trying to remember, but I think this was only 30 seconds, can't do much more, or it all goes a horrible pale blue with the local lighting.

I can really see why everyone loves the HEQ5. Would never have got this using my EQ5.

Biscuit - Equipment used is in my sig. Plus the astronomik CLS clip filter.

Are you sure it is not the Moon making everything go pale blue? It is exceptionally bright at the moment. If it is local light pollution as you say then definitely look into filters to reduce its effect.

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Are you sure it is not the Moon making everything go pale blue? It is exceptionally bright at the moment. If it is local light pollution as you say then definitely look into filters to reduce its effect.

I think time will tell on that - hopefully wont have to wait, for a low / small moon & clear night.

I had the astrominik cls-ccd filter fitted anyhow.


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Don't really see why you are disappointed it looks great nice and sharp.

I had a quick play but I'll be honest my skills with post processing need real honing. Added noise, colour appears a lit more forced but definitely have brought out some more detail in the nebulosity.

Hope you dont mind :D


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Thank you guys x

Don't really see why you are disappointed it looks great nice and sharp.

I had a quick play but I'll be honest my skills with post processing need real honing. Added noise, colour appears a lit more forced but definitely have brought out some more detail in the nebulosity.

Hope you dont mind :D

Of course not - thank you ! What you've done - It really had brought out more detail.

Think this weekend will be spent looking at editing !!

Thank you all x

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Im all very new to this as well, and i think the important thing that i learnt is that its VERY easy to over do the editing, i think for me, it was trying to compensate for more data, when in actual fact you just cant bring out detail that isnt there!

Great image though Scarlet, really nice! Especially for a 1st go, that makes it even better, and i assure you, on your 2nd attempt it'll get a LOT better! Again, that was something i found out.

But remember, you have to enjoy yourself whilst imaging, if you dont you'll hate it, and thats not what we want is it?! lol :D Just remember, there is so much more to achieve and its your 1st go! So chin up, and stick with it!

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Lenny - thanks much

Eddy - thanks. I love the imaging side & what the camera is capturing. I have a lack of patience with software ! But going to have to get over that one :)

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