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Toucam came today.....

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Yep, just unscrew the lens, buy a moggy adapter (£15) and use it with a 2x barlow (or eyepiece projection adapter). Get hold of K3CCD for image capture and Registax for stacking. And you're sorted!


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Hi Gaz just a wee tip for you here when you unscrew the original lens from

the TouCam have the lens facing down towards the floor this is because there

might be a couple of flakes of plastic that come off the casing and you DON'T want that to fall on to the chip.

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My tip came from Andy(Coxy) use a mix of diluted IsoPropyl Alcohol(50% of IsoPropyl and 50% dissilled water) this is available from chemist. Use a Surgical Cotton Bud not makeup cotton buds these are rubbish for the Job! Stroke ya CCDCHIP in differant directions(softly) make sure all surplus Matrial is mopped off. I personally do this under a stereo Microscope so much easier to do but it's still a great way of cleaning the Chip!

James :clouds1:

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My tip came from Andy(Coxy) use a mix of diluted IsoPropyl Alcohol(50% of IsoPropyl and 50% dissilled water) this is available from chemist. Use a Surgical Cotton Bud not makeup cotton buds these are rubbish for the Job! Stroke ya CCDCHIP in differant directions(softly) make sure all surplus Matrial is mopped off. I personally do this under a stereo Microscope so much easier to do but it's still a great way of cleaning the Chip!

crikey, i use a make up job but not just any old job........a grubby old one. And i just stuff it in the Toucam any old how everytime before use. Doesn't appear to have harmed it in any way, certainly no dust bunnies.


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Steve - IsoPropylAlcohol is always mixed with water to a degree - a good chemist will supply it 80% pure or better - the stuff you can buy from microscope suppliers is about 40%.  Distilled water is a suprisingly poor conductor as it contains no electrolytes or ionic compounds. 

Thanks for that Andy,

You have taught me something new ... which is always good.  

Something else: Someone told me that nappy liners made excellent alternatives to lens cloths and are even suitable for cleaning SLR imaging chips; at a fraction of the cost...  Have you heard this?  


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When you clean the sensor in a 300D, you're actually not going anywhere near the sensor - it's the glass coverslip you're cleaning...

and it's all sealed in.  Again, I've cleaned mine with IPA and cotton buds.

Thanks Andy,

Yes, I know about the coverslip but liquid travels ... although, I didn't know the CMOS sensor was sealed.

When next I clean the sensor on my D60 I shall try the cotton bud technique with Isopropyl.

Steve :clouds1:

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