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I have a plan.....I think......(Light pollution filter)


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I have convinced myself it will work...to some degree....:)

Short story- I'm fed up with LP restricting my sub length's now I'm guiding, I will use my Canon L prime lens for a lot of my AP, my only real option for filter is an astronomik clip filter. I can't justify £130+ on a filter....yet......

My plan. Buy a Skywatcher 1.25" LP filter. This then will (should) slot nicely in the rear exit aperture of my canon L lens, which just happens to tapper down to 1.25". As an added safety measure to retain the filter in the lens I will use a form of internal circlip, somthing like maybe a 35mm Halogen bulb retaining clip, which happens to be very slim so not to worsen any vignetting affect.

My only real concern is how bad the vignetting maybe? I may even consider removing the outer ring of the filter so it sits up against the exit lens and covers it wall to wall...If that makes sense.....:)

I'm mad right? but for £20 its got to be worth a go.....

Stan :icon_scratch:


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Hi Paul, glad I'm not the only one with this idea. If I do decide to try it (highly likely) then I will post my results on here with supporting pictures etc.....

Stan :)

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Psychobilly has used step-down rings and filters on the front of lenses. An advantage would be that the light is perpendicular to the filter (not angled as in clip filter / rear mounted filter) so you can use extremely narrow passbands.

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this is similar to the EOS Clip filters, and they don't produce any vignetting. Just checked and the clear aperture on the CLS Clip, along the longest side is less than 1.25", it's just about 1.25" on the diagonal (the filter itself is shaped similar to the sensor)... I think I'd be surprised if you'd get any in this configuration.

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I got mine from Teleskop Service in Germany

They still have if i was looking for the Ha filter for the adaptor there lastnight.. the adaptor take 1.25" filters but to avoid them hitting the rear lens elements they are in very slim filter cells... TS only stock the IDAS v2 MFA kit...

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Looking forward to it :)

I have used rear mounted filters behind lenses too, in my case a Ha filter. I mounted it with a ring of foam which I compressed into the adaptor between lens and CCD.



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