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That was fast,nearly jumped out of my skin!


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Whilst looking at M42 the other night, Concentrating hard, I`d just got the focus right as you do and, ZAPP!!! A needle sharp thin streak shot across from right to left, but so fast, almost instantaneous, it had gone before I could see it if you know what I mean. really suprised me. Never seen a meteor pass through my view at high magnification before.

Anyone had the same experience?


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I had the exact same thing, on the exact same object!! Sunday night it was, I believe.

Correct!! That`s amazing. To my eye, it appeared as the thinnest staightest and fastest line possible to see. I wonder how many people country wide saw it? It depends on how many people were looking at M42 at that split second in time through a scope. I wonder if it was visible by the naked eye, I doubt it!!


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Last year around the time of the Perseids I think, I was viewing Jupiter when I saw a meteor cross my field of view. I looked up from the scope, but couldn't see anything with the naked eye so went back to the eyepiece. Within about five seconds a second meteor also crossed my field of view. Again nothing was visible to the naked eye.

I think that once you become "attuned" to picking them up you see quite a few. I reckon if I'm out just looking at the sky on a clear night I'll see one more often than not. I also find that I pick up satellites in the eyepiece every now and then, but they tend to move more slowly.


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I've seen this a couple of times now, one very bright and the other not as spectacular. The first one gave me a bit of a fright and I thought it was someone shining a torch at the telescope - it took a while to work out what it was.

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