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A little advice please?

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Just got my 1st ever scope and DSLR camera for xmas of the mrs(konusmotor 130 and Canon 350D) i think it's high time I invested in a couple of books, can anybody recommend one for using a telescope at entry level? also DSLR astrophotography at entry level?

Since I got my scope i decided to read up on telescope maintenance and have had had a tinker with it, specifically collimating. I have to say, factory set collimation is appalling! It took me about 40 minutes on my 1st attempt at understanding what it was and then acutally getting it done and I would highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't done it. The difference it has made is staggering. It's amazing really because prior to collimating my scope, i actually thought that what i was viewing was the best my scope had to offer, how wrong could I have been!

Next task...............getting rid of that gunky sticky porridge like substance that the Konusmotor factory call 'grease' on the focuser and replace it with something better that doesn't make it stutter when fucussing..............Any recommendations???



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There are many good books to get you going but ' Making every Photon count' by Steve Richards excellent start.

I removed that tacky gloop with white spirits and then applied a good white lithium grease when I bought a skywatcher scope some years ago.


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Oh dear...

The Konusmotor-130 offers the triple advantage of a large 130mm aperture, an extremely compact* tube and an impressive 1000mm* focal lenght that provides a high magnification power.

*achieved by a help of a built-in Barlow system that is placed between the secondary mirror and focuser

This sounds like the dreaded Seben scopes. You might get some images of the Moon, but IMO it won't be ideal for any deep sky work

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Another recommendation for Turn Left at Orion. It's a great book!

As for astrophotography - it's not about the camera, but rather the mount in the first instance. The SW HEQ5 or similar is usually considered to be the starting point.


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It's a Konus scope, not Seben.

I know that... but having the same design my guess is that it would have the same issues

I've had a 114mm konus scope for years and it was pretty good. I believe they are the same as Skywatcher scopes but with a different livery (same manufacturers at least).

That may be the case, but the 114mm Konus scopes follow traditional design (from the limited amount of research I've done) that don't use a built in barlow to give an effective focal length.

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Thanks everyone for your advice. Will definitely look into the books recommended. As for 'white lithium', sounds like something a 1960's rock band may have dabbled in lol I assume i will be able to just buy this online?

Finally, Malc-C Originally I was looking at buying a skywatcher 130 however i am on a very limited budget so, after seeking advice online was told that there is a slightly cheaper alternative to the skywatcher, that being the konus and they are essentially the same scope, made by same people, just different packaging. Being that ive worked in advertising for 20 years, i know a lot of major companies that use this practice, heinz, fairy soap powder, even consumer electronics companies such as pioneer. All of these companies re-package the same contents but they do so a lot cheaper and sell under a different brand name, thus achieving their goal of targeting the two categories of shopper....the thrifty shopper and the status shopper. Its amazing how different something can taste or how effective we think it is at cleaning, just by the amount of money that has thrown at it for advertising and packaging! So, i went with the Konusmotor 130 and i have to say, for a 1st ever scope..............its a cracking bit of kit at a reasonable price. The skywatcher was more attractive but looks arent everything...........trust me, i know, you should see my mrs!!

(SOrry babe only joking!!! - just in case she ever sees this lol)

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being the konus and they are essentially the same scope, made by same people, just different packaging. Being that ive worked in advertising for 20 years, i know a lot of major companies that use this practice

Is this just what you think or do you have some documented proof that Synta (the manufacture of Celestron and Skywatcher telescopes) make Konus scopes.

I would love to be corrected, but as far as I know from my research (good old google :) ) Skywatcher do not offer a short tube reflector with a built in barlow in it's design.

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Well done for persuading the mrs to get you a scope and DSRL for xmas (just make sure she doesn't read you last comment!). I found software (eg stelarium) and a cheap pair of 10x50 bins the best way to find my way around the sky. The O'meara books are quite good (the Messier to start with), although a good star atlas will have far more objects for you to find. Depends how your mind works. I've never liked Turn Left at Orion and got on much better with a detailed star chart, but many others swear by the book. Good luck.

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hi Malc-c

With regards to 'is this just what i think etc' the answer is in my previous message if you read it. I stated 'after seeking advice online'.......i'm not the typoe of person to just 'think up' statements. Also, i am entering into a new and potentiall very expensive hobby of which i know very little, hence why i have joined this forum and a couple of others, to make sure i can get proper advice and guidance from people who have the experience and knowledge to share.

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Just a thought - anyone who has one of these scopes may think it's the best thing since sliced bread if they never had a look in any other instrument.

My advice would be to join an astro society or observing group and have a look through other scopes to compare the views and quality. Certainly worth it even if for the sake of planning an upgrade or buying eyepieces and accessories.

Plus you learn a lot more about the sky and astronomy than you ever would on your own :)

(The 350D by the way - great choice of camera)

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Thanks bish. Now thats the kind of advice im looking for. A lot of people seem to swear by the book so i will give it a got but i like the fact you prefer the star charts etc. I am getting on well so far with my star charts, actually a lot better than i am getting on with my software (Perseus). Think i will try and see if i can get hold of stelarium instead.

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Cheers Brantuk. Sounds like solid sound advice. Totally respect what you said about the telescope, i'm sure in this game you get what you pay for and its not really a hobby that can be done on the cheap, well it probably can but at some sacrifice. Once i have become more familiar with the mount, aligning, tracking, maintenance, and gereal all round growth in knowledge, i will most definitely be in a better more informed position to make the right choice for me with regards to an upgrade. So excited though, i mean, im loving what im seeing throguh my cheap konus..............imagine how im going to feel; once i upgrade to a better telescope! Think i can afford to wait a little and use this one as part of my learning in the mean time

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Just a couple of questions, is the stated focal length 1,000mm and if so does the tube measure 1,000mm long? If the answer is yes to the first question and no to the second then you have a scope with a built in barlow/tele extender. If that is the case then the best you can hope for photographically is some lunar shots. However if you are pleased with the scopes visual performance, then enjoy it while you gain experience.

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hi Malc-c

With regards to 'is this just what i think etc' the answer is in my previous message if you read it. I stated 'after seeking advice online'.......i'm not the typoe of person to just 'think up' statements..

But you've stated here that they are all manufactured by the same company bey that a Celestron, Skywatcher or Kronus...

Konus is an Italian company...

Google Saben Telescopes.... (or search these forums) and you'll see the negative comments that they have regarding the poor design and issues having the built in barlow. It was these comments that formed the bases of my post as your scope has that same design

I echo Brant's comments, whilst it may well seem a good scope, you mat find the limitations that barlow has if you get the chance to look through a Celestron / Skywatcher equivalent.

If it suits you, that's fine, but personally I feel you may be trying to push it's boundaries by trying to do imaging with a dslr camera and this design of scope. Having said that I would love to see the results you get... there are always exceptions to the rule :)

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Just a couple of questions, is the stated focal length 1,000mm and if so does the tube measure 1,000mm long? If the answer is yes to the first question and no to the second then you have a scope with a built in barlow/tele extender. If that is the case then the best you can hope for photographically is some lunar shots. However if you are pleased with the scopes visual performance, then enjoy it while you gain experience.

Alan, based on the model number in the OP first pos, from the images on the web it's a short tube with built in barlow


Should do fine for luna, and as Brant has said, it's a start.... Maybe I unfairly jumped on the Saben barlow issue and tarred the Konus with the same brush !

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Hi MAlc c

As i stated before, I personally never statede that they are all made by same company. I merely mentioned that whilst seeking advice regarding a purchase, i was advised that this was the case, be it correct or incorrect, and found it plausable considering most major companies adopt such tactics.

Its quite simple really Malc-c if i could afford the latest Meade or a n other top end i would have got one, but my partner bought this for me as a xmas present and i am VERY happy with it as a starter irrerspective of your personal preference.

Although i have very limited knowledge in this field at the moment, i still have enough common sense to know that it IS going to be limiting and not going to be the scope I stay with till the end of time. It has been purchased simply as what i would call an 'entry level' device to assist in my learning and development in this hobby.

Thanks everyone for the advice so fare................golden stuff and i respect you all for it. Hopefully i will be able to come back with some pics soon as mother nature alllows. Already had some great views of jupiter and it's moons, also venus. Got a cracking picture of the moon just by holding a basic digi cam next to lens. once i figure out how to upload pics on to here i will do so so you can all tell me what you think.

Cheers everyone.


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I'm surprise no one advised you to get a dob. If you are on a budget, first go for a pair of 10x50 binocular, then go for a dob.

Nowadays, SkyWatcher is the minimum performance standard for astronomy. If a scope doesn't perform as well as a SW, it's generally not recommended. Of course, Synta may use other brands to sell off the rejected parts which didn't pass SW's quality control.

The only reason to use a permanent barlow in a Newtonian is to hide a defective mirror.

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Thanks guys, a lot more constructive than some comments and i really appreciate it. I think some people forget sometimes that when first starting out in a new venture/hobby, yes we will make mistakes or not necessarily make the best choices, after all, there is an awful lot of choice and an awful lot to take in. However, as BRANTUK pointed out earlier, "in this hobby it doesn't matter where you start - so long as you do start somewhere and make progress".

Also, with it being such an expensive hobby, we all have to start somewhere that is affordable and at the time it truly was the best priced option for me (well my partner).

Well, i feel i have learned so much already and i havent even really begun yet lol

I totally respect your knowledge and experience and can't thank you all enough for sharing it with me.

To sum up, from what i understand i could have chose a better scope (budget permitting) but at least i have made a start and although i wont get to see the heavens in all their glory, i will get to enjoy a limited selection of what it has to offeer based on my scopes abilities. Well, im thinking 12 months of using my Konusmotor 130 and learning the basics using the books you have recommended, maybe a little astrophotography with my canon 350d either piggybacking my scope or with a T-mount (which i have just ordered). And finally to join a club. That should give me enough time to become a bit more educated in the field and in 12 months time or so, i can make a very informed decision on a decent upgrade.

You are all legends and i am one VERY super excited guy who can't wait to get started but unfortunately i have no choice but to wait as the weather is relentlessly appalling lol

Speak soon.


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Hanimex 10 x 50 bins just purchased for the bank breaking sum of £6 (inc 1st class delivery). Bargain! They are in immaculate condition so should (just about) do the job for now based on reviews etc. I actually budgetted £20 for them so with the change I bought a compact flash card for my 350D (sandisk extreme III 4GB) and still got 50p change lol

So, T-mount ordered, books ordered, bins ordered, memory card ordered. Now, anyone know where I can order some decent weather????

Thanks for the advice everyone


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