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Been clear earlier so got a few pics of panstarrs just loading into computer as we speak will post one up in 5 mins. hope everyone else had some clear skies! i am knackered now after 2 hours karate, so going to bed cloud cover is sparse in places but not great.

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Cheers guys got the pic using my Olympus E420 DSLR 73mm focal length f/4.6 ISO400 5 sec exposure.

Managed to capture quite a few tonight and was pleased with the result, will have to try on 150mm next clear night if there is one! :grin:

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Excellent shot soupy.Got a good session in last night galaxy hunting from my back garden ticked a few fuzzies off.Also got some good views of Saturn too.Hopefully the clouds will stay away so I can view panstarrs later?

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Hopefully tonight will be clear enough to see the comet again.I'm also got next couple of night's free so let's hope the weather is kind and we can get up there nephalem as I'd like to get the scope to some reasonably dark skies to see how much difference it make's.My back garden is o.k. but light polluted still managed a few galaxies though so the messier hunt is coming on well!

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Hopefully tonight will be clear enough to see the comet again.I'm also got next couple of night's free so let's hope the weather is kind and we can get up there nephalem as I'd like to get the scope to some reasonably dark skies to see how much difference it make's.My back garden is o.k. but light polluted still managed a few galaxies though so the messier hunt is coming on well! Damian

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Hers hoping for another reasonably clear night so you can all get to see Panstarrs. I did struggle last night originally looking too close to the Moon as instructed by t'internet. Now you can get some perspective from my pics and where it is in relation to the Moon hopefully it will act as a guide to finding it more easily now.

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Had a great trip up north yorks last nigh and managed another 37 galaxies!!!!virgo is a damn hard place to find your way round.i found many other galaxies but couldnt tell which ones they were.going to write up an observing report later.hope its clear again tonight as i may have another trip out somewhere.

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Sounds like you had a really good session crash,thought you were heading yorkshire dales way not north yorkshire way? I managed M48,51,65,66,95,96,105 but didn't find it easy in my LP back garden, the Leo triplet being my high light oh and a first view of Saturn! Couldn't resolve much detail in the galaxies so thinking darker skies for me! It's not looking good out wall to wall cloud cover but I'd make one.

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Had a great trip up north yorks last nigh and managed another 37 galaxies!!!!virgo is a damn hard place to find your way round.i found many other galaxies but couldnt tell which ones they were.going to write up an observing report later.hope its clear again tonight as i may have another trip out somewhere.

I eventually dared to start with the VIrgo and managed to stay there till 4 at the end!!! GF wasn't happy, haha.

But lots of new object for me, it works nicely at a dark site - the galaxies are jumping at you even in the finder ;)

We'll deffo have to repeat this again

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It was at least two dozens but I still haven't sorted it out mate - got all my drawings from the night that need to be identified. Will do that tonight.

Like you said - you look for one object and 2 or 3 more pop out!

Remember that cluster of 5 or six you shown me in your scope? I have managed to find it and wack high mag at this - there were about 10 galaxies I counted - pretty impressive.

also there is a quasar in Virgo that I was able to locate - and it has light over 2.5 billion years old - incredible!

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