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I would set off straight from work so be there 7ish.would prefer as little wind aa possible just because my scope shakes alot which makes galaxy hunting a pain but also want the best seeing possible.whereabouts near hawes incase im there before you.time for the forcast to change yet :(

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After a very promising day clouds have rolled in thick! Hope you guys have better luck up at Hawes!

Not sure about Parker road Nick, I believe it is more south facing but need to check.

Big welcome Russty and feel free to join us any time. Where in Hudds are you?

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Thank you all for your warm welcomes,

Soupy I live at Grange Moor so Ideal for both Hudds and Wakey not far from you by your profile pic. the following has been copied and pasted from the main SGL welcome page I posted earlier today just so you know a tad more about me

"Hello there My name is Russ or Russell when the wifes in a mood. I live mainly in Yorkshire around 'uddersfield but spend a lot of time in Cornwall. Ive been around for roughly 47 years. I am fairly new to astronomy I bought a Skywatcher MAK 127 on the AZ goto mount 'bout a year ago and have really enjoyed it. (Well actually bought it for my son whos now dedcided hes "fed up" of astronomy 'cos its too cold etc, but the good news is I got the bug). I really like the Mak but the problem I found was the Wibbly Wobbly mount. So just last month I bought a 200p on an EQ5. The MAK is now rock solid and dual axis controls I got for the mount are fantastic. The 200p hasn't had First light yet :embarassed: but it's all laser collimated and ready to go, so soon I hope.

I have only just signed up to this site but have used it on many occasions to get tips info and reviews and find the people here really knowledgeable and passionate

So that's a bit about me if there are any astronomers in the Huddersfield/Wakefield area and Roseland/ Carrick Roads area It would be nice to hear from you.


Ive Just posted on that thread too thanking everyone for the welcomes with a note that yet again clouds spoil 200p play ahh well no rush. So I look forward to meeting you guys soon and picking your brains lol and if there is any way i can assist just ask ( I make pretty mean dew heaters ) .

Thank you all

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Sorry Crash thought you were heading that way tonight. Good luck for tomorrow night then and fingers crossed skies stay clear for us all!

yes I am very near grange moor Russty, and I used to live there about 6 years ago, live in Highburton now so still pretty close. :smiley:

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Rich, sorry mate, wasn't on my computer for a while I will PM you the location I was thinking when I get home tonight, there should be some a decent shelter from the surrounding hills. It's just about a mile or two from Hawes.

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ive spotted what looks like a decent site a bit above where you went near malham tarn.you go up cove road past the pen y ghent guest house 54.169626, -2.188704 dont know if you have checked this out.been map looking at hawes and it looks quite hilly up there.

is there a decent view for virgo hunting from where your thinking of?

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Yeah, that spot looks good for horizon - I wanted to go a bit further north cause last time I was at Malham Tarn, you could still see the domes of LP from Leeds and Manchester area.

OK, there are a few options we can do around Hawes, no problem for the virgo mate, it's quite high up now anyway, I am sending the details in a PM in next couple minutes.

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Got out last night and bagged my first galaxy M106 in ursa major. Took me about an hour as for some reason the goto was way out (think my set up wasn't exactly correct?) was chuffed at the little fuzzy, not bad from a light polluted back garden!! my feet had decided they'd had enough of being frozen so I retired to bed about 2am.Knackered this morning!!!

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