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You all want to do what I have done. Get an account with faulkes telescope! I am comet hunting on Thursday morning from Australia and Trans Neptunian Object hunting on Friday from Hawaii.

Beats the weather here! I'll post the pics if I can when I get them. :tongue:

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You can come and join me in an astronomy lesson some day Nick, I can invite you in as a local expert. What particular area of astronomy would be your field of expertise? Oh just realised I could do with your expert knowledge on electronics perhaps for sending a probe high into the atmosphere!

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Check out this link. It is the combined images of comet C/2013 A1 that we took this morning. It is the one that is thought to be on a collision course with Mars next October. Our measurements taken this morning have slightly changed the orbit but not sure what that means for Mars just yet! Been a real astronomer today! The fits data has been posted to NASA by Nick Howes with our names on it! wow! :grin:


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I was hoping we could all possibly meet up very early evening for a panstarrs viewing session..... but looking at the weather forecast it looks like we are all going to miss this astronomical event - solid cloud cover, snow and sleet and high winds all next week.


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Anyone can subject a photo to be taken at Bradford Robotic telescope HERE . you dont have to be a school or academic or anything.

Not quite the same as playing with a big telescope in real time but still fun. The telescope is located in Tenerife, slightly less cloud there than there is in Wakey at the minute I would imagine!

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Bradford telescope sounds a good option Wella will have to look into it.

As for panstarrs I do fancy some imaging of this baby but weather is not great. If we do get a clear night we need a decent westerly horizon. Where would we get that then?

I know out lane faces west and no street lights so is an option but might get a little cramped! But I am happy to try it if anybody else wants to. :smiley:

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Hi guys, heads up as I will be going to Yorks Dales, near Hawes, on Wed, given the forecast stays good. The place has got the darkest skies wihin reach to me, SQM readings well over 21.

Crash: I know you were interested last time I mentioned it, let me know mate.

I will also be going to Lake District on Monday, meeting another astronomer from.here, you're welcome to come although it might be a stretch for you guys from Wakey.



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Weather is intermittent at the min. Snow then sun, cloud then gaps! Wonder if there will be a chance this evening for a quick view of Panstarrs?

Mapstar, NASA and the MPC have the data we collected at the minute are I believe they are adjusting the orbit from this, so exciting stuff! :laugh:

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