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Good first night now I want more accessories.

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Yesterday I bought a 130P Sky-Watcher synscan goto and using the supplied eyepieces seen some good images of the moon and jupiter with 4 of its moons.

I have not had much luck with anything else yet because of the poor visibility but I wantto check out Andromeda, Peliades and the orion nebula to name just a few.

My question is: What other accesories should I buy? I am considering a 4mm and 7.5mm eyepiece and maybe a 3x barow. This combination should give me lots of options right? I have the supplied 10mm and 25mm eyepieces and a 2x barlow already.

What do you experts suggest I buy?


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I would suggest you just use what you have got for the moment.

Get some eyepiece time under your belt. Give it a few sessions with your new scope, and you may find, you yourself will discover what eyepieces would benefit your observing habits.

I'm willing to bet a 3x Barlow won't be on your wish list though. These are pretty much an imaging tool only.:D

Have fun

Regards Steve

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I would suggest you just use what you have got for the moment.

Get some eyepiece time under your belt.

This is very sound advice. You may decide after several weeks that a mid range EP - 15mm? might be a better option. With this size EP you keep the eye relief and comfort when you decide to use your 2x barlow with it.


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Agreed with general comments so far - especially the "warm clothing" one!

To get views significantly better than you're enjoying with your current setup, you'd need a significantly better telescope, when there's nothing wrong with the 130. Find out what it can do before filling your boots with accessories. You can easily enjoy the Andromeda galaxy and Orion nebula with what you have. I've been doing astronomy for a few years, and I haven't even thought about a 3x Barlow. The one accessory I have which surprised me with its usefulness is a 32mm eyepiece - less powerful, not more, and easily the best thing I have to use on Andromeda. The thing with many DSOs is that they are faint, not that they are small.

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I started out with a £300 budget and don't have a goto but these are some of the extras I'm getting / already got as the kit escalates

Small table to put all my maps and eyepieces on

Foam packed case to keep my eyepieces in

8mm and 32mm eyepieces plus 2x Barlow

Cheshire Colimator

Adjustable Ironing chair - its killing my back

Reigle finder and a RA Spotting scope

Turn Left at Orion and 2012 Phillips sky atlas

Google sky map for your phone (all redundant if you've got a go to of course)

Sand / Chippings and flagstones to give me a small viewing platform off the grass in my garden

Laser pointer to show off with my mates and pretend I'm Luke Skywalker

Flowers for my wife - who now thinks Ive got another woman all the time I'm spending outside in the night.

I'm sure it'll expand over the next few months but just to show your not alone



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I bought a SW 200p two weeks ago and was really pleased with the views just using the EPs that came with it. Since then I've been drooling over all the accessories etc and getting the 'fever'; then had a bit of an epiphany. Why do I NEED to get a better view of, for example, M42. Why not make the best of what I've got, push them to the limits, learn to observe and push my vision to the limit. During this period I will save my cash and when I do upgrade my EPs I will probably be able to make a much more informed decision and then REALLY be able to appreciate the improvement of the new eyepieces. That's the plan anyway!

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