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f 4 scope ..affordable ep`s


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hi there just wondering if you all have any suggestions as to an affordable ep or range of ep`s which will work well in my sn10 F4 scope ?? my budget is around £150 , i have looked at the gso revalation kit or the baader hyp zoom ??

At f4 your scope is going to demand quality eyepieces. Is your budget for one EP or more?

You might do best trying to find a local astro group and see if you can borrow some EPs to see what sort of compromise between quality and cost you are happy with.

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Televue test their eyepieces down to f4, so TV Plossl or a used Radians should be good choice.

Those would be my suggestion too. Unless you have a largish budget it's probably best to stick with standard field of view eyepieces like good plossls or orthoscopics in an F/4 scope.

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my recommendation would be to buy a used TV paracorr which would be just about budget or maybe a little more. this will make the world of difference in your scope. are you really unhappy with your current eyepieces?

with a paracorr (which creates the effect of an f8 scope) your current eyepieces might be enough.

I use mine with anything from BGOs to TV plossls to Ethos and the view is excellent all the way through.

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I suspect that many modern designs would cope well at this speed, which is no longer so uncommon. So it might be worth trying the BST or XCel-LX, for example or for more money, the Explore Scientific 82 series (not for spectacle wearers at the shorter focal lengths). Thomas Back designed for f/4 so you could also try the Planetaries (and copies and clones) and Skywatcher Aeros.

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