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Questions on Heritage 130P

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my wife and I are both interested in getting into astronomy and the Skywatcher Heritage 130P looks to be a good place to start without spending too much up front.

If we do decide to spend a little more down the line does the Heritage 130P take well to something like the Skywatcher AZ GOTO mount and is it suitable for beginner webcam use with something like the Philip SCP860/900 ?

(Also is the Skywatcher AZ Goto mount the same mount as used in the Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145P SynScan AZ GOTO kit as if so that would seem to make the kit a better idea for the extra 30 pounds or so)


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Hello. I don't personally own the 130p but I have a good friend who does. His model is the flexible which unfortunately can't be places on a alt az mont very well because of balancing with the flex part. (it shrinks into a smaller form for storage). Hopefully some one can help answer the mount question for u soon:)

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To be honest I wouldn't worry about the goto implications. Whatever you think you will do now, you will end up changing your mind as you learn and do more. If you end up going down the photo route, you'll find that the money goes into the mount, not the tube (unless you go into silly territory) and any decent mount will be able to take pretty much any tube. The 130p heritage dob actually uses a standard dovetail to attach to the dob base, and that same dovetail will attach it to any Skywatcher eq or goto mount.

I would get the heritage 130p and perhaps a couple of plossl eyepieces and then see where it takes you.

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To be honest I wouldn't worry about the goto implications. Whatever you think you will do now, you will end up changing your mind as you learn and do more. If you end up going down the photo route, you'll find that the money goes into the mount, not the tube (unless you go into silly territory) and any decent mount will be able to take pretty much any tube. The 130p heritage dob actually uses a standard dovetail to attach to the dob base, and that same dovetail will attach it to any Skywatcher eq or goto mount.

I would get the heritage 130p and perhaps a couple of plossl eyepieces and then see where it takes you.

Funny enough that's what i am planning on doing. even though im a beginner i have search this forum for days and that sound way far better to get your feet on the ground

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You know I am tempted to get myself a Heritage 130p as a quick grab and go scope.

Whenever I go out I find myself in a 30 minute + ritual of setting up the HEQ5 and aligning etc. It's a shame someone doesn't make a Dob solution for the SW Explorer 200 pds so I can just grab and go on occasion when I don't want full Goto or imaging with my existing scope.

The Heritage 130p is pretty small, but big enough to be worth it and would be great for those nights when I just want to get out for 30 minutes after a hard day at work without the full ceremony.


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Hi Matchstick,

The 130p Heritage was my first scope - a great intro to stargazing; have given mine away and miss it.

A great scope to take out and have up and viewing in no time at all - the 5" mirror pulls in enough to see the brighter deep space objects.

It will need a table to be placed on, and a sturdy one that doesn't wobble - or a camping mat in the summer.

Never tried it on anther mount, but it would fit my skywatcher az goto mount.

Good luck


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Great to read this thread as it confirms to me that the Heritage is the way to go for my first Astro scope. After this I suspect I will get something on a driven equatorial mount for photography and I was wonderting if I could take the Heritage off its dob base and put it on the eq mount. When you are starting I think you have to look forward to what your 2nd move is likely to be so you do not waste money.

Great website - Thanks everybody.

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Great to read this thread as it confirms to me that the Heritage is the way to go for my first Astro scope. After this I suspect I will get something on a driven equatorial mount for photography and I was wonderting if I could take the Heritage off its dob base and put it on the eq mount. When you are starting I think you have to look forward to what your 2nd move is likely to be so you do not waste money.

Great website - Thanks everybody.

Yes. The Heritage will fit any SW mount.

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Is there a way to rotate the focuser position vs the dovetail position if mounted on an eq mount?

If not, that might be the only limitation.

When you have a reflector in tube rings on an eq mount you are always having to rotate the tube in the rings to bring the focuser into a usable position.

With altaz the focuser stays in the same position so no issues there, but on eq, the act of moving round the sky means the fixed dovetail will be variously at the bottom, near the top and all positions in between when you move the RA axis to line up objects.

This wouldn't put me off though.

Can anyone with a heritage 130p enlighten the rest of us?

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It might be possible to release the two secondary support tubes and swop the eyepiece through 180 degrees but not tried it. Might need re-collimating each time though.

My SkyWatcher AltAz GoTo has been used to waggle around the Heritage, just use Tipp-Ex to mark the extended balance point, an ST80 and a Skymax 90.

Not going to try it with the Skyliner. :)

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I have a couple of friends who have more money than sense. They were going to buy a meade goto 4" scope untill they spotted me one night with my scope and asked to join me.

After showing them some great views of jupiter they asked which would be the best starter scope for them and told me about the meade. I asked why they wanted the meade and they told me they saw it on the back of a magazine.

After a long night explaining aperture light collection, magnification per inch and focal lengths and different types of telescope they decided on a DOB. the heritage. :)

I have viewed through it one time for around 15 mins and I must say the optics are great.

The included eyepieces are not bad either but you would do yourself good to get a couple of quality ones.

They are very pleased with the dobsonian type scope mount and have since bought a 200p and gave it to their nephew at Christmas (more money than sense) and kept the heritage for themselves.

The only bad thing about the heritage is the height for viewing, they have a large stable garden patio and table that they place the scope on and this works just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just ordered a heritage 130p from FLO today. I would have "popped out" for a quick half hour viewing about 3 times this week but didn't have enough time to set up and align my heq5 with explorer 200pds, so I think the little 130 mini dob will be perfect for grab and go, and ideal for both camping trips and the kids to use too.

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Aargh.....stop it - I've got a new 130P Heritage sitting here next to me all boxed up ready to be returned & swapped for an Explorer 150P.

My original reason for getting the Heritage was the GaG, but in (first) use I found that finding something to rest it on was really a problem (no garden furniture) and came in with an aching back from bending over a camping table.

Now that I'm getting the Explorer (with EQ3-2 mount), I can hopefully stand/sit or even perch independently of the scope, but it'll take time to set up and I will lose the 10 minute "opportunities".

Reading the comment that the Heritage can be mounted on the EQ3, I'm wondering whether to keep the Heritage as well and buy some Mount rings for it for the EQ3 .....but what about a raised base for it on the dob (really convenient)?

I really like the size/portability of the Heritage and I know I'll be happy with the Explorer, but the Heritage does "speak to me" on its compactness.......

How do I tell the wife.......

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As I understand it, the heritage attaches to the dob base via a std dovetail, so no need for (or i guess even possibility of) using rings to attach is to an eq mount, you just use the existing dovetail. The focuser may be at a funny angle though...

On dealing with your wife I can offer no advice. We are each on our own with that particular issue.

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As I understand it, the heritage attaches to the dob base via a std dovetail....

Yes, and its attached at each end with a screw, so removing it and adding rings would be simple and would then avoid the "funny angle eyepiece" problem and it would then still fit back on the Dob mount.

You could always go for an az4 or similar to keep the 130p and ease the back problem

Rings are cheaper and I'll have an EQ mount anyway (but use it as a "point and go", hence the need for the rings).

I've got all tomorrow to think this through. I am in a "good state" with the missus 'cos she's just spent more than all this on her hobby :D

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