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M33 Triangulum Galaxy

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I read this is a binoculars object but I must say I find it very difficult. I am sure I have seen a very indistinct smudge with my 10x50's but I could not conclusively say I found it.

Couple of objects I'd love to "tick off" with bins are M33 and the North American Nebula. Alas, cannot do so as of yet !!!


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From my parent's garden it's very easy, big and fairly bright. From my light polluted garden I don't even bother with the scope. The North American also needs very dark skies (and remeber it's very big too).

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From my parent's garden it's very easy, big and fairly bright. From my light polluted garden I don't even bother with the scope. The North American also needs very dark skies (and remeber it's very big too).

Thanks for your thoughts Bish. Yes, my observing ambition is to see the NA nebula. One day perhaps. Someone told me its actually possible under ideal conditions to see it with the naked eye....

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Swamp thing posted a report a while back about an observing trip to mid Wales he could see the North America naked eye. Here right now Cygnus is over the irish sea but the light pollution from Mersey side and north Wales coast prevents me seeing it naked eye. With the 10x50's it is visible though.

M33 was a real difficult object to find even with my 10" Dob, eventually I found it in the bins it was just a smudge but when I knew where to look I could see it in the Dob, could just detect a spiral, just.

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Swamp thing posted a report a while back about an observing trip to mid Wales he could see the North America naked eye. Here right now Cygnus is over the irish sea but the light pollution from Mersey side and north Wales coast prevents me seeing it naked eye. With the 10x50's it is visible though.

M33 was a real difficult object to find even with my 10" Dob, eventually I found it in the bins it was just a smudge but when I knew where to look I could see it in the Dob, could just detect a spiral, just.

There just isn't the really black skies where I live Chris, East of Nottingham. Really, really tried to find M33 tonight and I reckon I got it. Just a very indistinct smudge. Boy is it faint, nothing like Andromeda which was what I expected.

Tried to find NA all summer (ahem, that warm season I should say that we call summer). Never seen it. Will try again next year when it's high again.


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Tried to find NA all summer (ahem, that warm season I should say that we call summer). Never seen it. Will try again next year when it's high again.
The requirement (apart from, ideally, an altitude of 70* or higher) is a dark, transparent sky. Light pollution kills it.
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