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Finally... I understand how to collumate an SCT

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I have been struggling for as long as I have had the C925 to get the collumation right.

There are loads of guides online, and several here, but they never seemed to work out for me.

Took my scope along to an open night at our societies observatory, and got one of the experienced members to walk me through it step-by-step.

I now know precisely what I am looking for, to what degree to defocus the scope amd how to cast the shadow to see which screws are the likely ones to need adjustment.

I can only recommend that any inexperienced folk do the same - it is so much easier when someone talks you through it. (I am lucky to have a very patient tutor :p).

I feel I have wasted heaps of time on something that is faory straightforward, and is something that I feel much happier about now.

EDIT: PS, it turns out the scope wasn't a million miles away from good collumation anyway.

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It's a good feeling once you know how to do it.

I only recently found a method that suited me.

Once I'd got it, I actually deliberately put the scope out of collimation when I brought it back in doors just to force myself to do it again.

My scope keeps good collimation anyway but it was one of those things I had to get to grips with. It's second nature to check now and only takes a couple of minutes.


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I've not deliberately put the scope out of collumation.... but am confident enough now to re-collumate on a jovian moon before I next try to image jupiter.

The headless hex collumation bolts I put in are a boon, making life a lot easier than when I had the original cross head bolts.

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