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Mare Nectaris


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Don't see many Mare Nectaris on SGL, so I thought I would give it a pop.

The seeing is gtod awful tonight, the moon is boiling like a kettle in Dot Cotton;s kitchen - YUK



Both hand held A70 to the eyepiece, which was 20mm with 2x barlow.

Quite pleased considering the seeing and the fact it's handheld - No fancy gizmos here sir!


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You're a dab hand at this Kain, why didn't you train to be a surgeon, with hands as steady as you seem to have, you would have made a good one. Very good effort, and Gaz's tweak done the biz. too.

Ron. :police:

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They're great Kain, Photoshop et-al aren't that difficult to learn the basics , levels, curves & unsharp mask. You could google the gimp and download it while not as intuative as photoshop it does work similarly and would let you learn how to tweek your images without having the outlay for photoshop, Many of Martins primers will work with the gimp as well you just have to spend a bit of time tracking down the tools some have slightly different names to the ones in photoshop.


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Thanks guys :police: Cheers for the tweak Gaz.

I have got photoshop 7 on my machine, but I just find it abit complicated. I can crop, and alter the brightness and contrast, and thats about it.

I do have a play with the unsharp mask too, but I certainly ain't brilliant with it.

I suppose it's just practise makes perfect really.


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