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M42 Reprocessed


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Bored with the weather, so dug out some old data to reprocess. I've learn'd quite a few new techniques since I last processed this data, and I also had some new data taken in the last few weeks to add. So starting from scratch with the old LRGB data and adding the new, this is a composite of 8xLRGB (240s) + 8xLRGB (120s) + 8xLRGB (60s), taken with a Meade 5000 ED80 APO + TV0.8FR + SX(OAG+FW+H16) + Lodestar guider + EQ6, controlled by MaximDL+PHD, processed in DSS+PS. The different exposure images are layer masked together to even out the exposure. I've applied a number of new (to me) techniques such as selective colour enhancement, filtering and noise reduction. Keeps me off the streets until the next clear night!


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