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What scope to buy?


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I recently began attending astronomy classes and would like to be able to use what I learn practicaly. I currently own a chinese piece of junk telescope that struggles to view the moon! As a new member I thought I could ask you guys on what scope to buy.

I have a £300 budget and would like certain specifications. I would like an electronic feature like a 'GoTo' mount as I am a bit of a tecno geek and love electronics. The main astrological items I would be interested in viewing are planets, nebulae and stars. I have my eye on the Celestron Nexstar 4 Se and also the Skywatcher Skymax 127. After reading reviews about both scopes they seem like a perfect choice. Would these be a good choice? and What other Scopes could you recommend?

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If I had £300 I would be buying this..First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian but then I would rather be able to have some great views than have a goto with smaller aperture. It comes down to personal preferences.

Another option First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2 / EQ3 PRO GOTO maybe.

Aperture wins over electrics on smaller scopes every time but that is only my opinion.

Have you looked through many other scopes than the one you currently own. Well worth doing before you buy anything.

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If I had £300 I would be buying this..First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian but then I would rather be able to have some great views than have a goto with smaller aperture.

This scope seems promising as it can view a wide array of objects in good detail. Thanks for reminding me that fancy gadgets aren't always best. The views and viewable objects would probably be much more valuable than electrics.

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As a previous contributor suggested First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2 / EQ3 PRO GOTO

It's all very well getting the biggest or best scope, but if you can't find the stuff you want to see then it's a waste of time. Goto is great. I can't find my way round the M25, let alone the sky! The synscan hand controller lets you do a 'tour' of the sky. It's great, no need to know where any of it is, the scope will show you.

Sorry, don't mean to offend star hoppers, it's just I'm no good at that.

For £279 that is a great piece of kit.

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Inches are a lot better than gadgets when it comes to seeing the most for your money. At around 200mm you are starting to get fine planetary detail and faint DSOs.

I concure with Mr Spock, at above 8" planetary and DSO detail is more defined. :)

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