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Skywatcher heritage 76 any good?

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Hi. As the title says is this scope any good?

Im on a strict budget at the moment and this seems to offer a lot for the money from what ive read, plus it would be accessible to my kids.

Anyone got one of these and what kind of results do you get from it?


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I've got one too and as above says its not that great. Good on bright clusters and the moon. Jupiter's moons show up though which is nice. Eye pieces are pretty poor too. If you can wait i'd get the 130. But if you were like me and just want something now, it's worth it if you get it cheap. As long as your not expecting much it wont disappoint.

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Bought one for my niece and nephew a few years ago, they were aged 6 and 10 they loved it, the barlow is only fit for the bin. Gave me the best view of M45 I have ever seen. Totally child friendly and it now lives on my bedroom window sill and gets used far more than my other telescopes. Good views of the moon and nice views of Jupiter and moons and an amazing M45. For the kids it was the ability to do it for themselves which they loved it for. Mine now as they have moved onto other things, I have named it mini hubble and would not be without it.

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Have one to.

it is not bad, i did not get a barlow with mine, the 25mm is not to bad the 10mm ok'ish. ok with a webcam to but a pain to track with.

mine came with a very very poor spotting scope, touching the focus sees the x hairs rotating around the centre of the tube. more like something from a xmas cracker.

simple to use just plonk it down and off you go. none of this polar align here, adjust there. basic but nice i would say. it is no 16" monster but pleasing to the newcomers eye as i found.

both pictures below came from the heritage 76 using a hd webcam as the recording device. medium clear skys. eyepieces are more clear. these shots was my first with the scope



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