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Stellar Land Registry


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Does anyone else find it odd that websites are selling land on other planets? How can they sell something that is not theirs to sell, nobody owns a planet, nobody owns a country (hold it! - you can save that for another thread)

This website is selling plots of land on Mars, Venus and The Moon for £20! This seems like just a scheme to take your money, and send you a fancy certificate that is worthless. Maybe its just for fun, but the whole thing smells like a scam to me....

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There is an international agreement signed basically by the united nations that decrees no individual, nation ect can own anything in space such as planets, stars, space itself ect. It is not unlawful to sell this stuff but the buyer can never make claim to it. These people make a small fortune from gullable people, its sad really.

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I would have thought that purporting to sell something that does not belong to you would be against the law :D. There have certainly been well publicised cases where people have sold timeshares which they neve owned in the 1st place and have been tried and jailed for it - surely the same must apply to selling bits of the universe ?

My guess is that when you look at the small print all you are actually buying is the certificate :)


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The con with the star buying- is that they register it with the British library archives- sound impressive- but pretty much everything published in the UK is archived there!- To have a star named after yourself properly is a completely different kettle of fish unless You have a Nobel prize or being a king- eg Cor Caroli- or Charles heart named after King Charles I of England Or Barnard's star named after E.E Barnard - These days it`s by consensus By The International Astronomical Union- IAU, who don`t recognise ANY of the commercial sites.

Buying Lunar plots is apparently exploited by a loophole by an American fella- but not really recognised- he`s made a lot of money out of it so could afford a good lawyer if you "build" on his "property"- but legally under the Outer Space Treaty between Russia and The USA- it`s considered as International Waters- and the current thinking being a similar legal status to Antarctica- IE nobody owns it.all other claims are not considered credible.

The boxes and certificates do however make nice valentines gifts! :):D

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As i've mentioned before, you can have as much of the moon as you like, as long as you can defend it from invaders from foriegn countries. All you need is a shotgun and a space suit

Actually I have owned a large area of the moon for many years now and I've actually built some defences to counter any invaders that might try a land grab - they take the form of a wall just over 100 km long near the crater Birt - you might be able to see it with a telescope if you look carefully. It took ages to build - it's diffcult to get reliable brickies who don't mind the travel. For those that have seen my wall this will prove my claim to ownership beyond doubt of course :)

The shiny object you can just see to the south east of the wall is not a US or USSR lander, it's the pile of empty Carling Black Label cans that the brickies left - must get around to tidying them up someday !!.


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I represent the Current owners of that land legally, a mr Ivor Con of Nebraska Usa, And hearby issue a writ for $300000000, I would however settle for $4000000 out of court. Cheques to Mr I Con, 32 Acacia ave Copernicus crater,( next to mcdonalds) please. :):D

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The star name/moon plots/galaxy selling scams rely heavily on the fact that no one can go and stake out their land, no one can go and take it away from them and no one will get planning permission to build a McDonalds/wind farm/Sellafield near to 'their' land.

I signed up for a land selling deal whereby I get a square foot of land on the isle of Islay off the Scottish west coast near the Laphroiag distillery. I'm visiting the square foot I own in June and as part off the deal I get a dram of whisky when I turn up. I get a square foot everytime I drink a bottle of Laphroiag so I reckon I'll have enough to build an observatory there soon :) This is far more practical to me than buying plots on the moon/star names although its possibly not as appealing as a Valentines Day pressie...??

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Its not really a binding contract unfortunately. :) All I've really got (or will get) is a nice map showing my square foot (no guarantees that someone else doesn't have the same one..).

I do however get a free dram if I turn up at the distillery.

I am looking to invest in a cask/barrel of whisky but thats heading well off topic... :D

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I did have a chuckle reading from this site http://www.starregistry.co.uk/starname-gifts.html It is all harmless fun to be honest but the bit where it says, "we choose a star in the northern hemisphere which can be seen through a telescope" it does not mention if this is an every day bog standard scope or the hubble space telescope, and the charts they provide look very much like the ones printable on the Cartes de Ceil software.

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I am just picking up my chunks of Mars and will be making them available soon.

They are conveniently bar shaped, wrapped and stacked in boxes ready to go.

Rumour has it that Costco have a similar plan - but I was there first! I think? :)

Price on application (discount for large orders :D )

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I haven't noticed anyone selling chuncks of Mars yet ....

I do actually own some tiny chunks of Mars and the Moon - some tiny fragments of Martian and Lunar meteorites. As they only amount to about 50 milligrams the development opportunities are somewhat limited !.


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