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Could this change how we view the universe?

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I just read this story at the following link - a follow up to that CERN test which seemed to indicate that faster than light speed might be possible, although I hasten to add by no means certain. This follow up seems to strengthen that claim.

BBC News - Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result

I would be really interested in knowing what people here think of this, how it might change how we view the universe and what it might mean for the future of astronomy, if the test results are ever conclusively proved.

I know this isn't strictly a stargazers question, but I think it is such a fascinating topic.

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There was a recent prog on the Beeb, Horizon, I believe it was called the name of ur thread.

I quite liked the possible explanation, that the firing is so violent that the neutrino leaves our space and pops back in, thus keeping Einstein from turning in his grave, but still being able to travel faster than light. String theory?

If this turns out to be the case, then does that mean that Black holes do actually go somewhere? Could "warp" drv be possible? sub space?

you wouldnt think i used to watch StarTrek

I still strongly believe that if something iis imagined, one day it will be fact....


(PS, this is why I like this site, u can discuss pretty much anything)

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I hope they got their measurments right as for some decades science seem to be stuck with general relativity and the standard model and it seems to be pretty much agreed that while these theories excel within their own field, they are not compatible, leaving one possibly to be wrong.

This could start something very exciting!


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I really hope that light speed is not the fastest possible speed is proven. it will open up a whole bunch of questions and lead to a massive realization..that we dont know as much as we think we know, nothing is set in stone.

Take the extraterrestrial debate..

Believers think we are being visited here on earth.. A sceptics first logical responce will be "even traveling the speed of light it will take thousands of years" that responce would not hold any weight at all anymore.

It would open up many more possibilitys, and would be extreamly exciting.

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I would be really interested in knowing what people here think of this, how it might change how we view the universe and what it might mean for the future of astronomy, if the test results are ever conclusively proved.
So far as astronomy is concerned, I doubt that (even if it was shown to actually be happening) knowing neutrinos can travel FTL would make any difference.

It might make a difference to other subjects possibly even to cosmology, but not to astronomy. At least not to the sort of astronomy that I get up to!

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From what I've heard in the physics community - the supposed FTL result actually came from the relativistic effects of the GPS satellite in orbit; or rather, a failure to account for it.

No one I know (professionally, that is) believes that the light speed limit has been violated. Then again - had I polled professionals world-wide about the nature of the "Universe" in the mid-1400's, they all would have said "The Earth is fixed at the center!"

In science - belief means nothing... it is the data that counts!


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I don't pretend to really understand the science but it is really exciting, for me it is about belief and hope. I hope that these test results are genuine and proved, and believe that at some point in the future it may be possible to contact and perhaps travel to other Worlds. But then after all I am a Star Trek fan :-)

What I find so encouraging about this is that while the scientists seem excited and even confident, they are taking nothing fore-granted and are actually encouraging others to prove or disprove their findings. They are not just making crazy bold claims.

One things for sure though if these results are accurate it opens up a whole universe of possibilities and again shows us that there is always something new to discover.

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