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Do I or Don't I?


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So I've been debating on if I should take my 10" telescope to the beach with me. I will be gone a week, and my brother lives in the area, and says that on clear nights there you can see the milky way. So, my question is, would it be worth taking the scope or not. Part of the question is, how much of the sky is free of light pollution, part is, it's been really cloudy and rainy lately. So what are your thoughts? Do I or Don't I?

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Well you've convinced me. My house will be just off the beach, next to the sand dunes, I think from what I remember there is a nice deck, and a goodly sized fence in the back yard, Is there anything other than debris that I need to worry about? Will the salt air do anything to the mirrors?

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You might take along a piece of tarpaulin or carpet or some such ground cover to set up on, to protect your equipment even if away from the sand. Plus, in a sandy type environment, it helps find dropped little bits during the night.

Be prepared for a marine layer about 10 or 15 degrees in elevation, also the impact of lights near beach areas, where things tend to be more commercial and lit up.

Good Luck!

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Well, from my understanding, as far as lights go, the only area will be to the north west of where we are, and other than that there is next to nothing other than a hotel a dozen or so houses away. My understanding from that is they have to be careful about lights because of marine life that nests in the area, so hopefully all things considered I should have some excellent viewing. Will there be anything worth looking for next week?

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