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Tips for Clearer Skies

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Ok so Astronomy Weather gives me this forecast

Clarity 4 tending towards 3

Seeing 3 tending towards 2

0mm Rain

0% Low, Medium, High Cloud

Besides High Scores for Clarity and Seeing, 0mm Rain and 0% Low, Medium, High Cloud what else should I be looking for as Optimum Observing Conditions, as I cannot see much out here tonight despite the weather stats.

Try this site yourself

Astronomy weather forecasts

Whats it like in your area, any luck?

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Seeing is difficult to forecast as there are always local variations due to topography, proximity to heat sources / buildings, and also local microclimates can play their part.

I know humidity is high here. Has been all day with dew remaining on the grass throughout, even though its been sunny. I always find high-dew nights difficult for seeing...and dew

Its clouded over here anyway now :D

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If one delves deeper into the forecasts for what they are worth

taking as an example this link

Astronomy weather forecasts

What advice would you take after inferring data from the SFC RH, Surface Relative Humidity

What would be a good stat, that would minimise chance of dew

ie a value below 50%, 25% for SFC RH... and what about the temperature aswell

Any thoughts ...

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If one delves deeper into the forecasts for what they are worth

taking as an example this link

Astronomy weather forecasts

What advice would you take after inferring data from the SFC RH, Surface Relative Humidity

What would be a good stat, that would minimise chance of dew

ie a value below 50%, 25% for SFC RH... and what about the temperature aswell

Any thoughts ...

If you assume you will be fighting dew from now until March/April you won't be far wrong regardless of the forecast

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I would like to know how I can get 0% Low, Medium, and High Cloud yet get 41% total cloud.

Accurate cloud forecasts for the UK are notoriously difficult to come by :icon_salut:

maybe so, but you'd think they could at least get the totals to add up.

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