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Leave the dob outside?


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My old scope looks like it is being well looked after then Rob :)

It is indeed Kevin.....the mirrors are off for a recoat shortly too...not sure whether to go for Orion optics with the hilux coating, or Galvanoptics, who are cheaper but take a lot longer.

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The biggest problem that I see would be creepy-crawlie access to the scope. Keeping things outside will mean that everything from slugs and snails looking for a warm damp spot to survive, through spiders spinning webs to catch the little flies that might get trapped under a cover, could be setting up shop around all those lovely shiny mirrors.

I'd suggest a good mirror cover (and one for the secondary) and to be prepared for the odd scurry of a centipede near a focuser once you move it out and disturb the slumber of the lower forms of animal life..

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And the slugs, don't forget the slugs and snails. And the neighbours tom spraying it.

Actually I believe slugs are repelled by a band of copper round the base.

Well I've not even decided what dob to go for, so getting ahead of myself anyway, but it's all got to be mulled over.

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Instead of leaving it outside under a tarp why not get a 4x4 garden shed and keep it in there. My Dob lives in an unheated shed with a shower cap over each end and a dust sheet over the top, when the skies clear I can be up and running in literally a couple of minutes and the scope is always ready cooled. It's been in there for a couple of years now and is still in perfect shape.

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Look great, how do scope cope with frost etc ?

As long as you cover the mirrors when not in use, there isn't a problem....with covered mirrors and a wooden shed, it's very unlikely that frost will be present.

When I had a big 14 inch SCT, I'd sometimes get frost on the corrector plate on a cold night, even with the dew heaters running, and there'd be frost all over the mount, but it didn't cause any problems.


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