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accsessories help

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Ok now I have saved up my hard earned and got the idea of GOTO out of my head I'm now about to purchase a SW 200p dob. Now I have about £350 to spend just now so im thinking about maybe getting a couple of filters just now then some eyepieces later.

Not sure which filters to go for. I'm looking at a Baader 0.9 neutral density moon filter and a skywatcher oiii filter. Does this seem like a good choice or should I just go for a neodynium lp filter to start with?

Once I have saved up some more money i'm going to purchase a BST 8mm explorer ep and a skywatcher 32mm panaview. Again good choices or not?

I already have some other accessories for my current scope including a Baader mkiii laser collimator, a cheshire collimator, red led torch, planisphere, turn left at orion etc.... so im pretty set for the dark nights ahead :)

Help appreciated:headbang:

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how about a zero mag finder like the telrad. i think you'll find nearly all the dob owners have one,or a right angle finder.

because thats what im getting when i one day order my dob. you can add e'p's gradually , and to be honest not sure you really need a bucket load.

congrats on your purchase by the way,

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i would not bother with all thosefilters and stuff just now ,and as for two collaminators .... well i would not bother with any , just drill a little hole in the bottom of the ep holder and use that to look down the focuser ,

i would get used to your scope first befoer spending of accesorries :)

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Good choice of scope! I kind of agree with Hemihaggis in that it may be a good idea to get used to your new scope first, before spending too much on things you may not use that often. Everyone is different though, so of course it's up to you...:). I have a few filters now, but tbh I don't use them all the time - but some peeps do...:)

I do think something like a Telrad will certainly be a huge help - it it with my own dob!! The Rigel ones also have a good reputation, if you can't get hold of a Telrad!

First Light Optics - Rigel QuikFinder Compact Reflex Sight

Enjoy that great scope, when it comes!!


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I have bought a moon filter for now as I sometimes feel that the moon is a bit bright for me in my current 5". Defenitley going to get a telrad and that's about it for now, maybe the 32mm panaview and a bst 8mm next.

Thanks for the advice

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