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registax or deepskystacker ?

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I don’t have any experience of Planetary work yet but based on what I have read Registax is the most appropriate tool. In fact I already have it downloaded in preparation for some Jupiter Webcam work I am going to experiment with in the coming weeks.

However, the main driver for my post was to generally sing the praises of DeepSkyStacker (DSS). I am still relatively new to Astronomy, about 18 months in and DSS was one of the first tools I became at all familiar with. For a free piece of software for ‘non AVI’ image stacking it is brilliant. In fact I have recently started using Maxim DL (have you seen the price?!) because I ‘needed’ it to driver various bits of new kit BUT as far as stacking capabilities go I still think DSS is better. Much easier to colour balance for example. So Registax in this context yes but I wont have a bad word saiod about DSS.



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