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4th & I think final Saturn


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Never stop trying Robin...the focus on that seems spot on, excellent image.... But if I can be so bold it needs a tad more colour, will this come out in processing or perhaps more saturation when capturing? Excuse me if Im talking rubbish but Im learning too :D

If only I could get em that sharp :D



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The equipment is fine, the image is great, and talk of quitting is foolhardy.

The only ingredients missing are out of your control, and you need to sneak up on the [removed word].

So persevere Robin, and the Holy Grail shall be yours.

Ron. :D

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I Don't think that I will get a better image using the gear I have unless I have a good dark night, so I will wait until then and try again. This was 120 stacked out of 1500 frames, misty sky.


I think I am going to move on as well. Its not that I don't think I can improve but its been very poor seeing in the Peterborough area and I need to sort out the rest of my kit. Approaching lighter , warmer nights is a good time to test things like LRGB imaging , autoguiding , using my DSLR etc. so I will be ready for the next season with everything sorted - er well thats the plan. :D


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Nice image Robin!

Stick with it guys! This is the best we are going to see of Saturn until 2030...



We can still look back at your pics Nick, it will help keep depression at bay.

Ron. :D

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