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Galaxy Hunter

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Right as I now have my very nice looking Burgess 9mm for the planents, Im in the market for a good EP for galaxy hunting. Recommendation's that would best suit my scope please. Not looking to spend Pentax/TeleVue money .

Cheers all


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For the widest possible field in 1.25 inch a 32mm is the optimum balance of field of view and maginification. The GSO 32mm plossls seem to get the thumbs up and are not expensive.

If you can use 2 inch I use a 38mm Super View which gives the widest possible field in the 2 inch size - they cost around £50 apiece. An alternative would be a 30mm 80 degree in 2 inch - Gordon was selling one of these recently at a very good price.


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Rob and I were using the Moonfish 30mm 80degree in a 14" LX200 SCT last night. It performed very well indeed.....huge AFOV. Although still couldn't see much sky in that scope.

Failing that, you could buy the Hyperion 21mm and take the barlow element out to give a wide field 30mm (ish) eyepiece. I thought the Hyperion in 2" form was sharper than the Moonfish, but it was very close indeed.


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I read somewhere that removing the Barlow from an HYPERION (which is basically an Erfle with a Barlow added) produces poor results. Sad

It does in fast scopes, f7 or faster. But in slow scopes such as SCT's, Maks and longer refractors, it does pretty well. Still soft towards the edges mind.

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I still prefer less complex eyepieces, rus, to these multi-element monsters (including the celebrated Naglers). Four or five-element eyepieces give sharper and brighter images every time. To my mind,when light's at a premium we need every photon we can scoop up; field-of-view takes second place.

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I don't know if it's made by GSO but I use one of these Chubster:


Works very well in my C8 - it is a big and heavy eyepiece though so you need to watch the balance. It's got 5 lens elements.

For the price I am pretty impressed with both the build and optical quality. Orion (USA) sell these as their Q70 range - for a fair bit more than this e.bay one.

It also works well in my ED80 F7.5 refractor - it gives a massive 4.5 degree true field of view in that scope.


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I use this most of the time along with the Revelation 2" Barlow...

I didn't buy it through Moonfish although it's a Moonfish/Revelation clone with a different badge.

Purchased from the states for £25.00


I used these guys..



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