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Some hands on help required.

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I’m having problems learning how to use all my new Hi-Tech astro kit at the moment. I’ve only been trying for the last 6 months! I’ve followed all the guides etc but would really like someone to actually show me how to Polar align an EQ6 and collominate my SW150p.

I would be happy to pay for somebody’s time whether it be in beer or cash. I’m pretty sure that when I figure these things out I’ll be ok with everything else. I live in Halesowen, West Midlands and can travel. Hope that’s not to cheeky. :p



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Blimey Sherr03, your request is starting to turn into a bit of blind date there! :p:D The phrase. "....beer and takeaway to anyone who shows me" is a phrase I haven't heard of in quite some time and I'm sure the local magistrate will recognise me again if I respond to you too enthusiastically!

You're a bit too far for me for a mercy mission from me but I'm sure there must be a kind sole who could whizz through at least the mount side for you. Have you tried Astro Baby's Guide? I'll find a link for you in a moment.


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Try here and although specific to HEQ5 the principle is the same as the NEQ6. I know people have complained about the Skywatcher manuals but if you take it slowly and even labels up the parts beforehand with post-it notes to help you recognise which bit is what, (prevents breaking your train of thought having to go back to check if this part or that is the date circle) you will find the instructoins pretty straight forward.


EDIT: Sorry was typing before seeing your reply

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I'm over the hill from you (Rednal) so would be happy to show you both alignment & colimation but you would have to wait till next week when I return from Galloway Star Party. There's also an Astro meeting at the lickey hills on Friday 7th October and you would get lots of advice there, I will be.

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I never thought of that, Takeaway is as far as i go! Yes I've tried astro baby's guide but the polar scope on my mount seems different. Anyway I'll see if anyone takes me up on my offer.

might sound daft but have you put it on the right way :p

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I'm pretty sure it's on correctly. The outer dial just seems to spin round and doesn't do anything. It might be broken I just don't know. Thanks for the invite veracocha I might take you up on that. I'll pm you next week if that's ok. I bet the view from the hills is great so I would like to go to that as well. Thanks

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Try here and although specific to HEQ5 the principle is the same as the NEQ6. I know people have complained about the Skywatcher manuals but if you take it slowly and even labels up the parts beforehand with post-it notes to help you recognise which bit is what, (prevents breaking your train of thought having to go back to check if this part or that is the date circle) you will find the instructoins pretty straight forward.


EDIT: Sorry was typing before seeing your reply

No problem thanks for looking anyway.

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