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Heating the warm room


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Whilst I know that by definition the warm room of an observatory is such that it's a place to get out of the wind / cold and is often a few degrees warmer than outside due to the insulation, but do any of you guys have heating of some description in your warm rooms ?

Last night it got down to 7C outside and I found it quite chilly sitting inside the warm room... and it's not even winter yet !

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This is what I use in my workshop Malcolm. De'Longhi Bambino TRN0505M Oil Filled Radiator, 500 Watt: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & HomeThe workshop is double the size of your warm room and it keeps it toasty.

Very economical to run, in fact I leave it on low setting throughout the winter to keep the chill off and reduce any chance of damp. I turn it up if I spend any lenght of time in there.

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Wayne, thanks, and that's quite a cheaper option than the £50+ convectors I've been looking at

Got mine from Tesco's,Malcolm


For the amount of time we are in the obs/warm room,it doesn't pay to have a heater on 24hrs/ 7days a week..

Especially with electric tariff charge's going up & up :)

Got to economize all we can in these times...


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Thanks for the tip, will pop down there and have a look tomorrow. Yeah, I concur about the cost of leccy... I know we're not down to the freezing conditions of winter, but sat/sun I couldn't make a hot drink and sitting around soon got cold, so having something that I could turn on for quarter of an hour and get warm and then turn off sound appealing

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As it gets very cold here, into the teens below zero, I am planning a warm warm room! However, the danger is mucking up the seeing, of course, so it will need to be really well insulated.

My Blazewear jacket from FLO is a real success and I'm planning a bed for rests in between things to do.


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