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Newbie - First Jupiter Imaging Attempt


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Afternoon all,

I made my first attempt at imaging Jupiter last night

Very pleased with the results, but I would welcome any comments suggestions on ways to improve the image. I'm conscious that I probably went overboard with the colour saturation however I could not resist those lovely hues of orange and red :)


Clear skies,

- Jason

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very good for a first attempt :)

im no expert but maybe keep the gain gamma and contrast down next time?

What you see on your laptop before you press the record button is pretty much what you will get out of the image, ie if its out of focus, grainy, too contrasty, it will turn out that way no matter much yuo tweak it with registax.

play around with different settings and see what works best :(

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I think it looks good. Like you said, it looks that way because you wanted a heavy color saturation. You could make it look like all other photos, but one reason I like imaging is the different ways people process their photos. I like the orange as well. You will have many more opportunities at Jupiter over the winter. Great job:)

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People will have different views on this, but heres what i think about colour. Cloudwatcher is correct in a sense, there wasnt enough blue. the mix of RGB really can produce a life like fairtly accurate or some might better say neutral colour balance, and by neutral i mean not one colour channel is being leaned upon to strongly. A even blend will often produce pureer whites, and there are plenty of pure whites on jupiter. Think of it this way. if you had a RGB adjust on your tv set, you wouldnt sit there all night watching a picture that was too green, or too blue. when you can mix the colours to produce a lifelike image. I belive its that simple. though in the case of planets a little extra red will benefit the detail of Jupiter Mars ect, so many people ( including myself) often tend to lean that way. the harder trick, one that im still trying to learn myself, is to have a vivd colour that is evenly balanced, one with little or no obviouse colour casts. The easiest way to see that is on the whites. but it can be misleading as the eye tends to try and compensate. It takes time to learn good colour balance. And i havent mastered it completely myself yet. But comapred to 3 years ago, its improved a lot. Its just learning to train the eye, as to what is more evenly balanced and what is not i think. Congrats on your first shot

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Great image. Don't get too hung up on colour, it's a brilliant image as is.

Well done on the capture and getting the focus right. With images like this as a first attempt, you need to carry on! You're a natural!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the feedback all - will try and get a better colour balance for my next attempt. It would be interesting to know what Jupiter would like like with your own eyes, rather than via a processed image...

Cloudwatcher - No idea how you made the moon pop out! It was on my original video grab, however tweaking the contract / brightness made them disappear entirely :(

Glad you brought it back however :)


- Jason

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Well... back on-topic then! :)

hiow can i download it to have a go in registax?

Not sure if you can download directly from YouTube, however I'm happy to send direct if you're interested. The file size is only 7MB so might fit on an email.

PM me your mail address and I'll send over directly.


- Jason

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Apologies - just purchased a Mac laptop which I'm doing all my capture work on. They don't seem to like industry standard file types so QuickTime came as the only option.

Will play with the settings to see if I can convert.

Give me 30 minutes

- Jason

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Looks sharper, but the size is quite a bit smaller. Can you increase the size to the same as the one I posted originally? I'm interested to see the difference with someone who know's how to stack things properly! :)


- Jason

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It will not be improved i dont think, because youtube use compression, and by uploading the video to youtube you are destroying, the quality of the video. once destroyed you can never get it back. you need to find a way to upload either without compression. or some kind of high quality compression that is lossless. its why the image appears to have got more blocky chemtom i think ?

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he sent me an email containging a .mov file so i had to convert to mpeg to get it going in registax, so yes theres a loss of data there.

the bigger image is a resized one, and in my experience image quality always degrades substantially when you do that.

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Ahh ok sorry for the confusion, yes data loss through the conversion wont help either i dont think. same result different problem

Whats needed is a astro freeware site, that allows large uncompressed files to be uploaded sent copied ect. though i dont know of any ? not sure if any others know ?

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