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Stacking with pixinsight


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After following all the tutorials I'm getting a glorious mess does any one use Pixinsight to align calibrate and stack?

If so any chance of sharing a workflow please?

btw DSS also make a great splodge of it also.....and that's just with lights.

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I use PixInsigth to align, stack and it is straightforward:

Align your images using Image Registration/Star Alignement

Select files or views already opened, keep the default parameters.

Stack with Image Integration / Image Integration:

Select the files you have previously aligned, use the default parameters.

And you should get pretty good results in no time.

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1. Image calibration.

Open the Image calibration tool from processes

Top box (target frames) is where you add the images you want to calibrate

Below is the output directory where you wish to save you calibrated images, set this to somewhere you can find easily.

Next are master bias, master dark and master flat boxes where you add the master files for each type of calibration.

Then when all is set-up click the circle button at the bottom and PI will calibrate all your images.


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2. Registration

This is done with star alignment - open it from processes.

The top box is your reference image to which all other files will be aligned.

Target images are all the images you wish to align, set the output directory as before and click the circle button & PI will do it's thing.


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3. Integration

Done with the integration tool from processes.

Top box is agin your target files you wish to integrate.

Below is pixel rejection - this is where PI comes in to it's own. You have 6 options which are suitable for differing sizes of stacks. All the other options work straight out of the box.

Min/Max small image sets

Percentile 3-6 images

Sigma 6 - 15 images

Windsorised Sigma large sets of images

Avge Sigma 10-15 images

Linear Fit 10 + & large sets of images

Click the circle to set it all in motion


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My PI Routine is:

a) Star Align Subs

;) Create master Bias, Dark and Flat with Intergration.

c) Calibrate the aligned Subs with the created Masters.

d) Get a mess :rolleyes:


Ahh this is the problem , all calibration must be carried out before alignment :)


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