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Birthday EP

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Hi everyone,

Another birthday is fast approaching 56!! Were has it all gone:(? Anyway my partner is going to buy me a new eyepiece to the value of £300 ( I can bump it up a bit if required), my question is which one should I go for? The eyepiece is fpr my cpc800gps, I have read that these scopes are f10 and are quite easy going on eyepieces as opposed to the faster type of scope. I am interested in observing only. I also read an article in one of my growing number of astronomy books that the Teleview Nagler 22mm is one EP to consider? Again I am open to advice.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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The 22mm Nagler would be a great ep for sharp clear views of the sky in my view, a little bit close to your TV 20mm, but will give wider cracking views. I have the Axiom LX 23mm in this range at 82* and absolutely love it. Love Crete, bet you get great skies there!

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Yes I am lucky to have a dark location and am a fair height above sea level, no street lights etc. Viewing getting better as its starting to cool off a bit now so the ground heat is easing off. I did not realise the 20 and 22 would be so close:icon_scratch:, hmmm food for thought here then, what about a Televue 17mm then?

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A 13mm Ethos springs to mind - but then I have a variety of scopes to use it in.

Did you consider bino viewers? Believe me it's an experience not to be missed - especially with an Sct.

The Baader Maxbright's are around £250 and perform beautifully but you do have to get two eyepieces on top. I use the William Optics bv's (circa £170) and they really are the best value for money and work extremely well in your scope - complete with 1.6 barlow nosepiece and two 20mm wide angle ep's.

And you'd have around £130 left for another half decent eyepiece to plug any gaps :)

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A TV Ethos at 17mm or 13mm would give a great view but a bit expensive for my taste/pocket, but I see you have the Baader MkIII zoom in this range, but you will not beat the performance of the TV. The one thing to remember is that quality lasts a lifetime :)

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