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Now I'm miffed...


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I returned home from collecting my new 200P a few hours ago as the sky was turning dark and heavy and the first spots of rain were beginning to land on the windscreen. So, I settled down to do a bit of work and read some SGL whilst consuming a few generous glasses of cheap French red.

I've just looked out of the window thinking that it was about time to call it a night to find the sky brilliantly clear and the Milky Way looking absolutely stunning right overhead, even without having to let my eyes adjust. I'm too tired and I've had too much wine to make it worth getting a scope out, but I've had a quick "browse" with the bins and will have to be content with that.


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I feel for you..

I'd got everything setup early just as the last clouds were drifting away. Scope cooled and started a few test shots. I wanted to see how well the NEQ6 performed with the Mak 150 unguided.

It was getting beautifully dark and was so clear. I was just getting the subs up to around 45 seconds and then whoosh.. within a matter of minutes it was totally overcast and I was sensing more rain. :rolleyes:

Disgruntled I packed everything away and came back inside.

An hour later I was getting the cat in and looked up.. Oh what a sight! Stars everywhere and the Milky Way streaking overhead. ;)

So I've quickly setup the HEQ5, stuck the camera back on with a 50mm lens and it's now snapping away again getting more data for my widefield around Deneb.

Not impressed with this "summer" that's for sure.

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I've just done the same, all ready to get into bed and one quick look out, bam. there's the sky.

That's one good thing about having an obsy, 5 minutes later I am sat out here lining up the first targets ;)

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I've just done the same, all ready to get into bed and one quick look out, bam. there's the sky.

That's one good thing about having an obsy, 5 minutes later I am sat out here lining up the first targets :rolleyes:

Same here ;)

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That's one good thing about having an obsy, 5 minutes later I am sat out here lining up the first targets ;)

I'd love one but unfortunately I'm on sacred ground and I don't think the parish would like me plonking a big shed in the middle of the graveyard.. even under the pretense of "getting closer to God". :rolleyes:

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I'm realy miffed now!!! Nipped out to the obs at 2:45am to check on things - all going great, came back in and set my timer for 3am, I wanted to nip out to see the ISS pass Jupiter at 3:05....BEEP BEEP 3 am - nip out - whole sky coverd in white cloud horizon to horizon! hung about for 10 mins and shut up shop, typical!!

EDIT............Even more miffed now, just nipped out again....not a cloud in sight!

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I popped in for a cup of tea only to come back to find I was imaging a blanket of fluffy stuff.. so I packed up for the second time.

I just know if I look outside again it will be totally clear like the sat images suggest it should have been all night.

Ah well.. By the looks of it what data I did get was very good and I did see some spectacular meteors tonight so its not all bad. ;)

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