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First Logitech Fusion Saturn.


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I managed to get a cheap Fusion off Ebay. Its a USB 2,0, 1.5 megapixel CMOS camera with a larger chip than the Toucam, with lossless compression its capable of 30 FPS at 640x480 through to 7 FPS at 1280x960. You can also apply a software mod to get 10 secs long exposure on it although I havn't tried this yet and apparently its not 100% reliable but it maybe usuable as a cheap guide camera???

Still a lot more fiddling about to be done with the new camera/ software but this is my first bash.


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Sounds very interesting Gaz. The USB 1 is a real bottle neck so the USB 2 should produce some definite gains if the pixels are nice and small.

10 sec exposures will be more than enough for autoguiding.

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How much did it cost Gaz?

I picked it up for £30 and superglued (cracking stuff!) an old eyepiece barrel on to make an adaptor. The reason the rings have a slight bluish tint is that I forgot about the internal LEDs :) I've stripped the camera and painted over them in black paint.

Martin, I think the pixels are around 4 microns square, smaller than the Toucam. I read somewhere that this can make them less sensitive is that correct? I'm still getting to grips with the software, the sliders (or the camera, depending on how you look at it!) are very sensitive.

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I picked it up for £30 and superglued (cracking stuff!) an old eyepiece barrel on to make an adaptor.

Simple and neat modification! Although the guy in the link wanted to change his USB cable I thought his modification was a bit over the top! :shock:

Nice Images though :)


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An interesting camera Gaz

Looks like it may be a bit of a bargain! I would expect it to be a bit down on sensitivity compared to the Toucam with the 4um pixels, and maybe a bit noisy with the CMOS sensor, but it should be a cracking Lunar and Solar cam. Will be interested to see how you get on.



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