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william optics 98 feather touch first light


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Hi All

Recieved my new William Optics 98 with Feather Touch focuser from ian King yesterday. Believe it or not the sky was clear and managed to get first light with it, which is amazing a new scope normally means 2 weeks of cloud cover.

The Feather Touch focuser itself is a work of art and worth every extra penny and the telescope itslf is the normal high standard from williams.

After about a hour of cooling down time and balance adjustments i managed to observe the following.

Albeiro (Beta Cygni) was very nice, the 2 stars showing lovely airy disks and distinct to me yellow and blue, next traget was Polaris to see if i could see its close companion and the telescope did not dis-appoint , at x77 split was easy and nice and crisp with dark space between them, showing how good the ptics are even under a bright Moon and local light pollution.

the next target was the famous Epsilon Lyra's double double. again could see the split in both pairs at x77. Other targets were the double cluster, m39 and Deneb.

The stars were pinpoint and snapped into focus very nice as a refractor should.

My first thoughts are what a mega telescope this is gonna be for ccd imaging.

I will post a full report when i get a chance, at the mo i enclose some photos of the kit .

Paul J






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I think your mount might just about handle it!! (Even in a tornado...)

You will love the Feathertouch and many people rave about the optics.

What about a flattener for imaging?

In short, rather jolly nice...


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Hi Olly

yea a bit overkill the mount lol, but its very good, dont need to auto guide under 1000mm fl and can get 20 min subs.

was maybe thinking of selling the mount and getting something lighter, but not sure what

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Hi John

have you any ccd images with it then

I'm just using it for visual at the moment, but we'll see what happens over the winter as i'm planning on getting a new camera later this year. New Ha equipment has put that on hold for a little while. :)


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