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Which moon filter?

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I'm looking to purchase a moon filter and I'm wondering which would be the best option for visual use. Currently I'm looking at one of these :

(1) Baader Neutral Density Moon Filter

(2) Variable Polarising Moon Filter

(3) Baader Neodynium Filter

I'm assuming (1) and (2) might be better for the moon, but (3) might be a good option as its useful for planets as well? As always, the more I read, the more I can't decide so any advice would be most welcome :D

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i have 2 and 3

2 =works great with the moon gives a tinge on pics if used on cams or dslr, but also give you great planet views of brings out storm belts and cassini div, , i never saw the red spot till i used this filter makes saturn and jupiter 100% better and the others

3=the variable one is not that cool imho i like it it does what is says on the box but i prefer the number 3 becuse it also cuts down on lp and is use full for other stuff

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the main benefits are

1) you can also use it with 2" eyepieces

2) you are not constantly changing the filter from one eyepiece to the next in the dark

do be aware of this possible issue though if using the 2-1.25 adapter - you can also use the 2" extender if you have one or a diagonal if you use one.


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Cheers, just trying to work out how id attach a 2" filter to my 2" diagonal with the 1.25 thingy in it (thats the technical term btw).

So i take the 1.25 adapter? out of the diagonal (the adapter has a thread at the bottom) and the filter screws to the bottom of the 1.25 adapter? theres no thread on my diagonal.

p.s. just checked an ep in ther adapter and I dont think it'd interfere with the 2" filter screwed to the adapter but my barlow would i think, is that what the other thing you mention was for?

sorry for the silly questions im still trying to get my head around all this.:D

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yes, spot on with both issues. anything with a nose piece (chrome bit on e.g. eyepiece end) that sticks out further than the end of the adapter could obviously smash the filter unless you extend the adapter slightly.

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Thanks for the info Moonshane and Todd8137. The Baader Neodynium looks like a good choice.

The 2 inch option looks good and will save swapping from eyepiece to eyepiece and luckily my barlow is just short of the thread so it shouldn't make contact with the filter.

As for making Mr Flibble cross, Keano, he hasn't had to use his Hex Vision yet :D

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I have also been pondering a moon filter and just took delivery of the revelation, even though it is low end it ups the contrast 100%. without on a foolish moon my eyes have only managed 10- 20 seconds at a time. May have to upgrade for Xmas , the Xmas list is starting to get a bit daft though, I hope Santa will bring everything.

Dark skies one and all

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personally, I prefer no filter on the moon even with my 12" dob (and will be using no filter unless more than 50% illuminated even with my 16" dob).

It's a matter of letting your eyes adapt and your pupil needs to close to a pinhead. then you get more detail and depth of field to boot.

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personally, I prefer no filter on the moon

This is only fine for me if the moon is the only thing I am going to look at for the next hour of so. Without a filter on my 8", I get black spots win my eyes which take perhaps an hour to fully clear. I use a 25% or 13% ND filter and on a full moon, both.

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I'd like to borrow this thread a little and ask what's the difference between the Baader Contrast Booster and the Baader Neodynium Filter?

To me they seem to do the same thing and cost almost the same, both have neodynium glass and they look very similar... :)

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