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Veil Mosaic


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After 3 weeks of off and on imaging I have finaly finished this.

Using the double shooter rig - 2x ED80's and the QHY9 mono and QHY9 OSC.

Each panel is 3 hours in Ha and 3 Hours in osc RGB, the rgb was a bit moon washed so I went back and re-shot the whole lot again but this time in OIII and RGB, again 3 hours in each panel.

A total of 9 panels 3 hrs each Ha, 3hrs each OIII and 6 hrs each RGB for a total of 108 hours but only shot in 54 hours!

2x ED80's + QHY9 mono, QHY9 osc. On a NEQ6 Pro mount guided with an ST80 And QHY5 Guide cam

Captured in Nebulosity 2, stacked with DSS.

Pixensight for DBE

Photoshop for stitching and colour tweeking and curves etc.


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Crikey Martin, that is quite some project! Well done on the marathon.

Your setup must look quite impressive with all that going on at once! My ideal would be to have 3 tubes at once each capturing a seperate NB channel. or somehow a multi layered chip that could do it simultaneously.

Great work, what's next?


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Great work, what's next?

Bed, sleep.

After that.....dunno. I only started this because the moon came up and I was doing the Iris Neb, so I went over to Ha, but got carried away.....suppose I'll have to finish that off.


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What an almighty field! It's very impressive and has picked up interesting fragments opf nebulosity which I don't remember seeing before so you've gone pretty deep.


Thanks, It is a huge target, and it just kept going on and on, there are still some fragments at the top and bottom that have been cropped off - colour camera not quite square with the mono - so had to crop the missing corners off- did a bit of copy and paste with the opposite corners :)

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