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SCT push fit adapter advice needed

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Hi All

I recently ordered a 2" SCT push fit adapter from Astronomica http://www.astronomica.co.uk/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.astro.tpl&product_id=104&category_id=28&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1 and it arrived today. As you will see from the pic below it's not the same adapter in that it has only one securing screw and not the extra bit of flange at the top for the thumbscrews to have a stronger hold to.

I contacted Ian at Astronomica with my concerns of expensive EP's / diagonals not being held tight and my reply was

I can assure you the adapter we sent is perfectly capable of holding a heavy eyepiece in place; the brass compression ring helps to secure the eyepieces, as well as protecting the barrel from being marked by the thumbscrew.

Occasionally the manufacturers send updated kit, based on what the major retailers’ specification is. Therefore, we get no notice about changes to the latest versions of whatever we buy. I grant you, it is time we updated that picture.

Anyway, if you are not happy with the adapter we would be pleased to refund you in full on return, but I can tell you that we have sold many of the previous version and of this one too and we have had no complaints about them. If you want to try it out first, perhaps with an eyepiece barrel and some no-value weights, you will see that is will hold even the largest 2” eyepieces.

What would members view be on this? I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't get as advertised and the some what un-sympathetic reply but if it is suitable as Ian is implying should I just stick with it ??? or go into the expense of returning it ??? I went with the adapter as it had 2 thumbscrews so even if the one was for some reason to come loose there is the other as a back up. Plus most the focusers I have seen use 2 thumbscrews for securing diagonals.


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Hi Spaceboy,

In my experience, a single set screw with a brass compression ring is way more secure than just two set screws. Added benefit is a compression ring doesn't mark accessories as Ian says.

I guess try it and see what you think. Or just return it.



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It's a little too easy to mis-interpret the tone of an email response, though on the whole I don't think the reply was un-sympathetic.

Given the choice of the pictured one and the received one I'd prefer the compression ring version. There are several more upmarket ones such as WO that have just one screw with the compression ring (though some do still have 2 screws with it as well).

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The one on the site is a compression ring fit?? Just with 2 securing screws as apposed to one.

Is the vote still for the single screw one? I just wish mail order companies would contact you before shipping or at least keep their sites up to date.

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