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The 383 Shooting the Duck !


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First things 1st, I take No Responsiblity of giving you a Headache or Nor am I liable for any Pain killers should you use them. :hello2:

Jokes aside took the 383 on the run last night using RGB filters, to see if I can capture any vignetting & I did. But not the amount I was expecting, very little infact on the corners of the frame, But I can live with it... anyway the Gerd Naumann Panel goes into action when doing any work with RGB filters...

Took this shot of M11 - The Wild Duck Cluster, using 40:40:40 RGB, 10x Darks with the SW80ED DS & using a TRF2008 Reducer...




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Hi Nadeem - Can't see any vignetting on that myself... and that's a lovely wide FOV that 383 gives! You must be very pleased - Also there's some very nice dark nebula showing (I can't wait to hear about your comments with the new WO triplet though!)

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Thanks Andy, Just hoping FLO will get them Soon, There's a lot of people waiting for that review to see how the scope performs.. If WO gets this right it's going to be a killer scope... Nadeem.

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Very nice ... clouded out here.. cant wait to give mine a blast!

How do you use the Gerd Naumann panel? with a minimum shutter of 200th second why doesnt it over expose?

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