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The 383 Experiment Continues - IC5070 in Ha.


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As I continue experimenting with the 383L+ using a Atik EFW2 Filterwheel with 1.25" filters, I took this shot of the Pelican Nebula in Cygnus. Using a Skywatcher 80ED DS with a TRF2008 Reducer/Flattener @ F/6. 5x10min HA, 5x 10min Darks, No Flats or Bias. Enjoy !



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Shaun, Seriously No crop, the image is just resized to 1024 x 768.


Thats insane! I know I had made up my mind that 1.25" filters work well and this really proves that and at F/6 as well, a bit faster than mine at f/6.2 ;)

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Very nice mate, am waiting for mine back from Vince and I'll be joining you ;)

you say un cropped so its a nice handy near square image too.

Excellent start..

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Fine capture Nadeem. It cetainly needs more subs though as it looks like there's a lot of noise.

I found my H18 to be fine at F6 with 1.25 inch filters too....there was a little vignetting at the very corners, but nothing that couldn't be dealt with.


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Hmm .. just about to get a 383 myself, now I'm thinking that 1.25 rather than would be ok!

Any chance that you can upload a raw cropped , say 256x256 crop at the top left, saved from raw as a png (ie non compressed)? I'd like to see some raw detail.

I can see the noise level is higher than the Sony chip but that detail is stunning :hello2:

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