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Transit of Venus - 2004


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Hi, I just dug out my old pictures of Venus` transit from 2004. I observet it from Western region of Slovakia at about 7.15am local time. Telescope was HAMA 114mm reflector and I used Baader Solar foil accomodated in a custom-made "holder" :-). Low resolution (2MP) digital camera was hand-held to the eyepiece.




You can also watch a short (30sec) YouTube video containing the sounds of nature as soundtrack ;-).
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I will always remember this event because I was involved in a project at a rural high school in Herefordshire when we invited the community to view the event. Hundreds of primary/secondary children + parents and the locals experience the transit. There was also a live link to a school in New Zealand where the transit was not visible. The whole event was put on video and this film was the UK entry in a competition organised by the European Space Agency. We went to the Academy of Science in Paris where the top 10 videos were viewed and I am pleased that we were judged the best film of event. I think Poland was 2nd and the Czech Rep was 3rd.

We have been discussing with the original group whether we can do a live link with the States for the June 2012 event.


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That brings back memories. I was at work but we got hold of a workshop department welding helmet so we could view the transit. Fortunately there weren't so many stargazers I had to share with. We still have a year to practice those perfect shots in time for the 2012 one. :)

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I really would've liked to have seen the 2004 one, shame I wasn't into astronomy back then.

Looking at Stellarium, it seems that the June 2012 transit will occur during out night and will be over by the time the sun rises over the UK. It appears we'll all have to travel a couple of thousand miles east somewhere to get a glimpse of it.

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I remember well that 2004 transit and found some pictures of that. Taken in Finland with Celestron 8 using same method, hand-held digicam and eyepiece.


Also 2003 Mercury transit was very nice, here is

picture of that one too.


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I remember well that 2004 transit and found some pictures of that. Taken in Finland with Celestron 8 using same method, hand-held digicam and eyepiece.


Also 2003 Mercury transit was very nice, here is

picture of that one too.


What fabulous images of the 2003 Mercury transit! Thank you for posting! :)

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I second what Tom said, can't believe I didn't have a telescope then. But I was into astronomy. Learning about transits really helps understand what interesting events they are, thanks for sharing.

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