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Scorpius, Libra and Iridium 63

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I've recently moved to a more rural location. The skies are much better than my previous house. Although I have to admit to being a little disappointed...

But then I remembered that it's summer and hasn't got properly dark since mid May and won't again until mid July. So I'm going to wait until then before I get too disappointed.

Anyway we've had a few clear night and I've found a nice secluded spot about 50 metres from my house that has great horizons :(

The shot below was 10 x 25 second shots with the 300D at 400ISO with Darks subtracted. Considering that this was taken at around 10:30 I think this shows that the skies have great potential!!! I cannot wait to see Orion sitting there above this horizon :)

I've also drawn in the constellation lines - I'm looking forward to giving this another go - maybe on a driven mount at night.


About 30 minutes later there was a -5 Iridium flare over in the NE, so I had a go at that as well. This was about 30 seconds with the same darks as taken earlier for the Scorpius shot.


I hope that you enjoy!



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Thanks guys.

Steve, lol no walls for me to fall off of but a few metres from my house is farmers fields (where I took these images from), there are plenty of ditches and holes for me to fall down :)

So I doubt it's the last time I'll do something stupid!


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Thanks Mike / Peter.

I did think about an astrotrac, but I really cannot justify the money. So maybe a little EQ3 will do quite nicely - easy to carry down there with a chair - happy days!


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