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Correct choice of CCD camera.


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Now I have the correct part of the Forum.

Thanks geppeto.

My next stupid question is relating to using a CCD camera, I have read about the Toucam on the forum, but what other equipment will I need to use it correctly, do they connect to the eyepiece or do you take the eyepiece out, or should I get a Meade DSI or possibly neximage.

I guess all the information is available on the forum but I can’t seem to find it, still need to navigate correctly around.

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The lens of the cam unscrews and you then need an adapter that allows the camera to slide into the focus drawtube. The adapters are around £8-£10 or so. You can use the standard Philips software that comes with, but most people use K3CCD tools. The Meade camera is essentially the same as the Toucam, but it uses its own proprietary software. Not used one personally - hopefully others can advise on this.

The downside (IMHO) of Meade is the cost. A ToUCam Pro III is around £50 plus a tenner for the adapter. The Meade is what, couple of hundred??

OK, just popped of to read your welcome thread - welcome :lol: !!

So, Explorer 200 on HEQ5 it is then! Great choice!!

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Also bear in mind that the Toucam is fine for the moon and planets (excellent even)

but it needs a fairly difficult (but possible) to do mod to get it to take long exposure shots of deep sky objects.

The Meade DSI will do long exposures as will the Meade LPI but the Neximage is short exposure only, like the Toucam.

If you go for a Toucam, beware that there are different models and you need to be looking for the CCD one which

sadly is the dearer one.

The new one is known better by it's model number Philips SPC900NC rather than the "Toucam" badge.

You can find one for around £48-00 and it's a great way into astro photography :lol:

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Sorry, I'm spouting a crock of poo there!! I mis-remembered something about the ToU being the same as .... the Atik 1 and 2HS camera's. I've spent the last 1/2 hour digging through old posts.

Sorry for the confusion!

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Hi Trevor

I purchased the toucam and it is a great and cheap way to get into astropics. You can use it unmodded to start with and practice on the moon and planets, then when you feel ready you can have it modded and move onto to DSO's but dont rush into that....have a play with our near neighbours first.

The only other bit of hardware you will need for your toucam to start imaging is something like this http://tinyurl.com/23jho7. I am not saying purchase this one as I cannot comment on their quality( although I did purchase my camera from him and that was fine). I got my adaptor from here http://www.modernastronomy.com/ and very nice he is too!

Software wise can I point you here....read through it, download what you need (its all free) have a play and you will get some cracking pics with the toucam...http://stargazerslounge.co.uk/index.php?topic=3523.0. And if your having any problems come back and ask, someone will sort you out



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