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finally got my first dslr :)


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hi gang,

Just got myself a Canon 1000d after reading up on T'internet about getting into astrophotography, (also where I stumbled upon this site). Hopefully I will get to try her out this weekend as we're off camping in Dorset!

I'm a total novice to photography having only ever used camera phones. I plan to start with basic shots like wide angle images of constellations using a tripod. I feel I need to get used to the camera before I attempt more complex set-ups using my scope. I'll soon be mounting it to my 127 Skywatcher MAK.

I'm sure no-one here is really interested but I'm feeling like a kid on Christmas morning.....can't wait to play with my new toy tonight! :D;) so apologies for the inevitable cloud cover over the South-West area this weekend :D

Just thought I'd share my joy with y'all :D

Greg :p

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Thanks guys.. and yes it was with the 18-55 lens.

I've only had a little play with it last night figuring out what all the various modes and settings do, can't wait to try it out properly this weekend!

I need to sort out the adaptors for mounting it to my scope and to my Baader zoom eyepiece. Will get in touch FLO after the weekend to sort me out as they seem recommended highly on this forum.

Can't wait to take my first proper astro piccies....how sad does that make me sound!?? Bring on the Thermos flask and the wooly hat! :p;):D


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Not sad at all :D

In the short term if there a pic that you just have to capture use the camera on prog mode and let it sort it all out for you.. but most of the time you will probably want to use Av or Tv modes for a bit of creative control and then move over to full Manual.. theres an Excellent Sticky in the Photogrpahy section of the lounge...



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Nice one. If the lens has IS, make sure you turn the IS off when mounted on a tripod, and http://stargazerslounge.com/imaging-tips-tricks-techniques/73737-basic-widefield-camera-tripod.html may be useful also. The other thing to purchase, a shutter remote release, that will make astro imaging much easier, a timer remote makes it even simpler.

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Thanks for the link Billy, that has answered quite a few of my first questions regarding F stops, aperture, and ISO settings

Thanks for the link John, I've already read through this post and printed it off for reference over the weekend :D

Stupid question no doubt but what is IS?:D google is useless for this!

I was planning to use the self timer to settle the camera shake rather than using a remote shutter control...

I will 'accessorise' my new toy/instrument after the weekend, bear in mind I only bought the camera last night and I am taking it away later today.

Whoooooa!! there's that fabled slippery slope everyone seems to mention on here ;):D........see y'all at the bottom :p


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Greg, sorry... Image Stabiliser... there are two 18-55 lenses one with and one without... if you have it, turn if off on a tripod... or it'll attempt to remove shakes that aren't there and cause weird effects. The self timer will work, no probs... best to go for 10 second probably rather than 2... and stick on mirror lockup at the same time, it won't hurt.

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Greg, sorry... Image Stabiliser... there are two 18-55 lenses one with and one without... if you have it, turn if off on a tripod... or it'll attempt to remove shakes that aren't there and cause weird effects. The self timer will work, no probs... best to go for 10 second probably rather than 2... and stick on mirror lockup at the same time, it won't hurt.

Thanks again John... I did wonder if IS stood for Image Stabiliser. I will check the manual to see if mine has this feature..

I will be using th 10 second timer and I have read briefly about the mirror lock up too. I will try this as well!

I will definately be boring you all with my first light attempts early next week..... maybe!... if they pass my standards first of course!:D

Again thanks for the help and tips... this must be the most helpful and friendly forum on T'internet :p (mainly visit gaming forums)


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Congrats on that camera, someday Ill take the plunge and get a Canon. Im very jealous of Canon's Live View capability (I have a Nikon) however, I would recommend getting out on a clear night and practicing focus on stars. You will have to do it manually but once you get it the pics will be awesome.

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Congrats on getting the 1000D, should serve you well!

I dont want to try and persuade you to run before you can walk... but...

On a tripod, you could open that lens up as wide as it will go, set the camera to manual, set the f-stop as low as it will go, the shutter to 20 or 30 second exposures and the ISO setting to 1600 or so... then point it at the milky way.

Take 20 or 30 shots.

Download Deepskystacker.

Stack them... and be impressed!

You should be able to get something pretty cool!


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

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"I'm sure no-one here is really interested but I'm feeling like a kid on Christmas morning"

You'd be wrong about that Greg - I'm sure we'll all be looking forward to your first images when you post them up here in the imaging section. It's a very good vfm camera for starting astro imaging - good luck :D

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hi guys,

Thanks for all the posts....and tips!

Well it was pretty much a wash out, blumming "C" word :hello2:, (no, no, no. not that one :)!.... Cloudy :p).

Managed to have a little play last night took a few of Ursa Major and Hercules using the continous shoot mode 10 off at f3.5 (i think) ISO 800 and 30 second exposures, I tried ISO 1600 but the sky seemed too light!?

Came out really well but I still need to run them through and figure out the DeepSkyStacker software (thanks for the tip Ben ;)).

Gonna have another go tonight as it's looking clear skies over here :), tempted to take a walk out into the fields a bit and get away from the town lights.

Loving this camera so far :p

Clear skies.


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