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HiLux and 1/10pv...

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posted this in the DIY forum and got nowhere, might be the wrong crowd.

Im looking at what to save for next, just bought a 250PX and am thinking about instead of getting a bigger scope in a few years time, getting upgraded optics.

OOUK do a pretty good deal, HiLux coating (25% more transmission than standard) and a guaranteed 1/10 pv or better for £575...not a bad deal. just wondering if anyone has gone for this, and what are your impressions.

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More like 5% but hey...

Oh did I just open a can of worms... ;)

My OO 10" has Hilux coatings. I think they do make a slight difference but nowhere near 25%.

The main attraction for me is their longevity - unless Orion exaggerate that as well :eek:

Hilux combined with a smoothly figured 1/10th wave PV mirror set would be an attractive proposition though ;)

My mirrors are 1/6th wave PV according to the test print out supplied with the scope. I've no way of verifying that of course, other than the fact that the scope seems to peform well, when the conditions allow.

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Well, I'm pleased with my bog standard OO 1/4 wave standard coating Dob.

But I do think that it would be nice to have the upgraded optics. It can be

debated as to "will I see a difference" but it's good to have top kit, knowing

that it's about as good as it gets.

If you can afford it, I'd say get it.

Regards, Ed.

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i was wondering about it as i have seen, again simulations, of the difference between 1/4 and 1/10...its quite a lot, and a 25% increase in light transmittance works out similar to a 1.2" aperture increase...i still gotta buy EP's for the thing so this is all for my own personal knowledge, im not rushing of to OOUK just yet :eek:

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Can you notice the difference John visually ?


Well Nadeem,

The scope I had before the OO 10" was a Meade Lightbridge 12" which was a few years old.

I can't see a big difference in the views that the 10" OO gives over the 12" Meade but I did not get a chance to compare them "back to back" so I'm relying on memory here, which is a bit subjective I suspect :eek:

Perhaps the fact that I don't notice the aperture reduction much, if at all, is a compliment to the OO optics ;)

The OO 10" is much more portable than the Lightbeidge 12" so gets used a lot more, so that's a big plus.

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I upgraded a celestron 6" newt some years back to hi lux coatings and definitely noticed an improvement in image brightness.

Obviously the mirror quality/figuring doesn't change but the improved reflectivity certainly seemed to help


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I have only used OOUK scopes so cannot really compare directly with anything else. I have never bought a new one though as I feel they are somewhat highly priced.

In terms of mirrors I have always been completely happy with the quality. I have had (all HILUXed when I got them) a 1/6 PV 12", and have a 1/6 PV 6" and a 16" 1/8 PC (not used this yet - still amassing parts). I think the difference in quality shows in high magnifications mostly. When seeing is better than poor, the 6" can handle magnifications on the moon easily of 250x and even 450-550x occasionally. Planets much less so of course but I still get 200x+ regularly and I suspect this scope would give most APOs a run for their money on lunar/planetary.

My view would be buy OOUK used unless you have lots of money. They offer a good rework and recoating service but there are others. I know of someone who has had a quote of £800 for a refigure to 1/10 PV and enhanced coatings (not sure if HILUX but will be decent I suspect) on a 17.5" mirror from Oldham Optical. They also have a very good reputation for optics.

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